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Oblivion is keep crashing!!!!


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idk what i have done but every time i play Oblivion and sometimes enter a Oblivion Gate or leave somewhere of course my screen goes black and then the sound shuts off then i get a CTD (Crash To Desktop) and now i think i cant even use console commands anymore because i used the sex changer command and Oblivion CTD again!!! I'm afraid that if i try to play Oblivion again it's gonna either freeze up and CTD again or when i go to close a Oblivion Gate or enter/leave a place its going to CTD on me again is it my mods (because i do mod) or what please help me out...
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From the UESP Wiki console commands page on the sexchange command:

Can be used on NPCs if player is in separate area from target NPC. After doing so, the game must be saved and reloaded or game may crash when player enters an area with affected NPCs. Game may still become unstable after doing so.

I can't help much other than that.

Edited by Striker879
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well i played oblivion and i think i isolated the problem down to just the oblivion gates. Anytinme i enter a oblivion gate my game supposed to load up and suddenly my game does a CTD anybody can help me with this?
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nope not at all just on my character once but what happened was my character head disappeared and exited my game WITHOUT saving at all


as for the oblivion gates you know any time you enter/exit a place my game just crashes when i enter a oblivion gate


speaking of which i did use the resurrect code in a oblivion but it was way early in game where you have to close the gate in order to save Kavatch (if that's how you say it right) and i think on a monster in Oblivion so i can get more items after i killed it


but now it just seem to crash when i go into a Oblivion gate.

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I'm not aware of resurrect having any bad side-effects, I use it all the time myself. You don't have an earlier save game from before all this that you can test the Oblivion gates with to see if it's something in your save or in your Oblivion install?
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tried it and this time i used an earlier save and still crash when i entered an oblivion gate but this time when i entered The Blood Well and my game crashed again could it be my mods or what?
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That's certainly a possibility ... I see it here all the time. Do you have a long mod list? If so post it inside ["spoiler"] Your list ["/spoiler"] tags (without the quotes). I am not much help when it comes to troubleshooting mod load lists myself (I think I have 10 or 12 mods running) but there are some very knowledgeable people frequenting this forum and I'm sure if they spot a problem they'll help out.


Edit: Here's a link on how to get and post your load order if you need it.

Edited by Striker879
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here is my mod list of active mods









Faster Level Up x25.esp








Infinite Charge.esp


100% Harvest Chance Shivering Isles.esp

Gizmodian Aurora Blade.esp

Advent Children Tsurugi.esp


so is there any problem with my mod order? Or the mods making Oblivion CTD on me?

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