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cant mod ..?


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I occasionally need to delete a file that I'm wanting to overwrite because of a similar squawk from Microsoft (I'm a dinosaur still using WinXP). The other possibility if you're running Vista or Win7 is the UAC 'bug' (Oblivion installed in C:\Program Files). When you uninstalled did you go through all the steps mentioned in this guide by bben46, a moderator here?
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Again ... we need more information. What operating system are you using, Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7?? What directory (folder) is Oblivion installed in?? Are you running with an administrator account or limited account??


Give us somewhere to start.

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Its a problem with your Security most likely, it's Blocking access to your Mods as it sees them as "Threats" I had the same problem, but i'm not limited. Depends on what Security your system uses, like Mcafee or Norton for example. Sometimes I have to manually add a program or directory to allow access to it.
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