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Loading Issues


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One of the weird Issues again.


I can start the Game just fine,everything works okay,but when try to load a quicksave,the quicksave loads and then it crashes after a few seconds.I already tried the deleting your quicksave trick,doesn't work.



Another Issue I have been having is that the loading screens are frozen for a few seconds.I can move hte models but they don't move on their own.

The save File is 9KB big,and the only Mod I added (besides a few Armour and Weapon Mods)is the Civil War Overhaul(I started a new save) could it be because of that?Or is my PC just overheating?Maybe an Issue with the Win8 update?

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Quicksaves can be a finicky thing. I've been using Autosave Manager for years instead. I prefer having the game's autosaves disabled and quicksaves hotkeyed somewhere that will never be pressed. Then, via the mod, I have about three Incremental Saves set up at ten minute intervals, and the mod's Manual Save set to the game's default quicksave hotkey (F8 I think?)

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