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How to remove a mod from my mod


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My two mods 'ChorrolDungeon' and 'Bandit_Creepy_Castle' require two mods CM Partners and Easy_Companion_Share. Early on i added a companion to each mod then soon after decided to remove them because it was causing crashes. After i removed the companions from the cells they were in the crashing problem was resolved but the two mods are still required to play or edit my two mods (not sure how Easy_Companion_Share got in there... ). I use OBSE and OBMM and i know very little about them. I'm not very good at the technical stuff so any help would be greatly appreciated. i really want to have clean mods so removing the above mentioned mods is a high priority.


Thank you for your time and consideration :)

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You can use TES4Edit and instruct it to "Clean Masters" and it will decide whether each of the masters is really necessary, and remove it if it's not.


If that doesn't work, you can use TES4Gecko to edit the Master List. Try removing the incorrect master first. If that doesn't work, TES4Gecko can be used to rename the existing masters - rename the incorrect Master to oblivion.esm. Open your mod in the CS, save it again and the incorrect master should be gone.


As with anything that alters your mod, make backups first!

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