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Unnecessary Violence Simple Question


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Hello people. I have a question about UV.

Will the offhand weapon do the damage of itself or the one in right hand?

I think I've read it somewhere but I don't know where.

If it does the damage of the right handed weapon how can we call it an "independent fighting with both hands"

Please start your answer with "left" or "right".

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I would, but I want to start my answer with 'middle'.


Quote from the Unnecessary Violence mod description page:

Enchant or poison both of your weapons when dual wielding. If you've toggled a 1 handed weapon to off hand mode it will carry its enchantment over.

Let me interpret that. If you have a steel dagger in your left hand, and you strike with your left hand you will do the damage of a steel dagger 7pts. If, at the same time, you're holding Goldbrand in your right hand, and you strike with your right hand you will do 25 pts base damage plus 22pts fire damage (which you will be able to confirm by the fire damage visual effect).


A pretty simple way to confirm whether I'm right or talking through the side of my mouth (hmmm ... would that be left or right ... sorry, couldn't resist).

Edited by Striker879
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