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Joint playthrough


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So, my friend (who is rather far away right now) and I are going to do a play-through of Oblivion while talking to each other over Skype.


We're going to make the same character, and do the same quests at the same times.


Now for my main question: What would be a good race, class and birthsign for this? Any and all tips are welcome.


Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:




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are you playing with modded games??

will you use mod races, or vanilla races??


to tell you the truth, this sounds like quite a difficult thing to achieve, two people playing the exact same character

so if you really want to do it, make sure to make a character that both of you can play and enjoy (which is obviously the most important part)


the mix of race, class and birthsign depend on two things basically

what are your options (if with mods than which, or without), and the more important part is play style

so sit with your friend, decide on a single character type in terms of play style, and progress from there (at least this is how i would do it)


if you'll follow my advice, post your decision here, and that will really help people answer your question

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What a novel idea!! Kudos to you.


Will you be completing the Main Quest? I personally lean to Dunmer for MQ because of the racial resist fire (comes in very handy in Oblivion planes).

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Well, my friend decided that he wanted to play as a Redguard, as a pure combat class (which is what I usually play as) :yucky:


I may consider "accidentally" losing my save, and starting over as some sort of Battlemage. ^_^


Just kidding... or am I?

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