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How can I tell if a mod has been downloaded?


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I am a real noobie when it comes to downloading mods. I've had success with a few (unbelievably!).


In my override file and the DAMOdder I see different icons such as Allistair's Royal Wedding is the Dragon Age Shield, some are words like "Witch Hunt", and some are pictures of folders.


Now some of these mods activate late in a game and I'm not sure they will work when the time is right. I've downloaded Zevran's Romance and this particular mod is showing up as a folder in the override file (or in could be in DAModder, I can't remember right now.)


My question is how do you know if you've been sucessful in downloading?

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Glad you've had success mondotomhead! :thumbsup:


The basic way is to read the modder's instructions, and do what they say. :laugh:


For mods packaged as ".dazip" files, they will appear on your "Installed Content" screen in-game, and you cna enable and disable them by ticking the box under their names.


For mods that are designed to "just be placed in your '\override' folder", there is no way to know if they'll work correctly or not until it's time for them to function. :tongue:


For mods that use the DAO Modmanager (DAMM), ".override" format, you can chekc whether they're installed by right-clinking on the center ("Installed Overrides") panel, but you indicate that your using DAModmanager (DAM) so that doesn't help you...)


You might want to take a look at this wiki article: "Using DA Mods for Dummies".


Happy (Modded) Gaming! :thumbsup:

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