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Weather or Not! Here I come!


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Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer are well adjusted for Good reason.

Can you craft them into your mod so the season's gives us a full understanding of their reason's?

The master craftsman felt the chill on his mind growing while he was in the middle of his purpose. The heat from off in the distance roused his attention to the first sign of the tiny flame of truth. Wisdom taught him the measure by and by that some people will stretch their likeness to another to earn a penny. He felt his soul tugged at, in his mind, by such a strangers spirit.


In his youthful days of learning, a wizard's spell had given him the insight to see a tree, know what it was, and then see the parts with which his kind had made from it.


In the spell, he knew, a moment of time tugged gently upon his mind. At the moment he felt the tug a sign appeared on his mind. A small flame that was consuming something appeared in his gazing stare.


While he eyed his work, he knew, what the wizard taught him first and foremost, he had to put down his task for a time. The flame in his mind grew and as he stood still it stopped growing. The flame appeared to have frozen at the moment he gave his hands a rest from the task they were performing.


The flame did not move, nor did he. And then the magic, way, began. First the flame retreated and shrank from sight, leaving a spot where it had clearly burned through something.


He gazed upon the space using the seeing stone technique, and saw the burn marks retract as the flame did, retreating the place burned to its origin before the flame had taken a hold of it. He saw the burn lighter browned marking's around the circles' hole that the flame had made.


His eyelid's lifted slightly and the hole returned as the lids gave way to more lighted space. He closed them to hide the horizon, started again, and watched again as the burn marks shrank back to the center filling up the hole.


After the hole was filled he could see the image of a sheet of paper. As the paper became clear to his sight he followed the path the flame had taken from it to the place where it occurred as the little trail of sparkle's from the flame near to it were before touching the paper.


A hand appeared holding on to the tiny stick with one end burning. He gave his mind a moment to allow the spell to work which kept his eyelids below the horizon so he could see the history played out upon them.


The image of the person seemed to become aware, in the craftsmans' vision projected to the craftsmans' mind via the magical orb's, someone was watching. The person darted a stare to the left and right so swiftly the face was a blur. When the persons head paused and became still, the person stepped backward and did an about face only a military type, female or male, would know.


A bright green jacket's was covering the frame of the upper trunk on the persons back. A nearly brand new straw cowboy style hat was on the head of the person too, in the master craftsmans view. As it appeared the person wearing a nearly brand new outfit appeared to be walking away, the master craftman knew the person was backing up. Sneaking, in reverse, so what, or who, spied him was not able to realize the persons face.


The straw cowboy style hat above the green jacket shifted slightly, while the back of the persons shoulders seemed to be displaying an almost normal walk. Only it shared a familiar twist for each twist the craftsman knew because of failure who he caught once before who had not mastered the art. The backward misstep's flow were visible, with that stealth of a beginner at the hunters sneak. The novice deceiver moving forward in the spell magic clearly showed how out of step the deceiver was.


The master craftsman saw clearly who was in the suit of clothes. In craftsman had practiced, as he was instructed until he could do the spell with ease. The sights of images did not blur, as the seeing stone does not fade out like some unpracticed welps might. He remembered the words of the wizard, "Once you have mastered this spell you will see all clearly. No longer will you see things as the streets spectator's would as things go by in passing or as they marvel at a illusionist practicing to deceive them into thinking they are one of us. The spectator wont see the entire view of the illusion like you can now when seeing a deceiver plying their skill to perform an illusion."


The gait and stance gave way to the hieght and weight of the person who had been caught in the craftsman ancient history spell. The lesson the wizard taught him, so well, served up the place and signs of the planned action's against a place he himself had put his hand to thereby adding to it his craft and a soul tag for him to always remember.


As the master craftsman peered into reversed flow of the images of the history spell he saw the fool's face clearly, he was seeing the place around the person, he determine where the person, and who was behind the person. He let the sights continue upon the horizon of his eyelid's until a sign appeared. Near the person upon the side lines was what he needed to know.


Now that he realized what was going on the master craftsman knew the where withal to send forth a worthwhile friend to quell the flames of the persons designs, before it was a blaze that could not be stopped in time to save the master craftsman work.


As he pondered the last part of the spell his eyelld's lifted up to their full height to allow him full view of the sky above. All the while his attentions were on the partition to see the history spell in action, they were partially open in preparation. Just in case; in case any of the wild beasties should appear on the Earth to make trouble for him.


The leathery look of concern fell upon the master craftsman face as he guaged why the event of a history may not happen. The icy chill of Winters breath reminded him of his own task. Since Springs choice color's and events were realigned in the mind of the maker to be kept at the time of his longitude and latitude the master craftsman opened his eyes wide and returned to his work. The few seconds he spent in review of his enemies cost him a moment, and so he hurried along a bit faster, as well he could, without losing his practiced method so he could get back into his grand house where it was warm.


Where once inside he hoped he may meet a woman with a cup of warmth for him to recover from the chill. As she well knew, what he was up to too, so they both might be warmed through the Winters day's as they should. They both knew it should be so, as mankind live's depend on Winters life too, as they do Springs' life too upon Springs' timely. Spring should return upon the dates familiar with the area, not with some wizards intention to make better a place for those who did not chose to face Winters' challenge.


All Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, all four season's, saw all human's as weak and should not nurture them so that they become even more so. It was the decision that until Winters' tests were done in the parallel which marked his birth year. It was decided, long before his time, that south of his station on Earth above the 49th parallel of the planet Earth, Winters' snow's, icy breath, and frosty wind's occurred, and snow build up and should stay until late April or early May above the 49th Parallel. As it should be.


The Spring that calendar's mention is only for those who live below the 47th to the 39th parallel's.


The great wizard told him, when he was an attentive magician, "We must never challenge their decision's as the four will become 'unbalanced', at that point, and when they recover their season's, 'master crafter's that they are', will find they have a mess occur." Upon the note of his recall he realized the flame that startled him as he was at his task was caused by some neophyte's who would question the four season's perfected skill's and how their proposal's to act in each area are set.


Those who, as their age causes them pains of icy remorse may recall the wise tome's as they find they do not fair well in Winters grasp, and know the rules best. To move south is not in anyway a jest if they do not care for Winters test.


If a Wailing pained female, whose charged with some skill's, should teach an initiate the tongue of the four season's, far too early for the initiate to understand the four seasons reasoning, the master crafter should be ashamed of practicing magic and frozen where they stand for giving an unprepared initiate skill much too early in their training, which can be the cause of ceaseless change's in the four season's without proper attention.


For human's this is a test, as the Grand master will be realized again, and, for insulting the rest of us honored pupil's, will make amends to the magi, but the poor human's will not be so lucky.


Anyone making an innocent guild member guilty of making a change without fully learning how to converse with the four season's, "who are Master Craftsman's" will be punished for every life that fades that they cause this unbalance to loose. Life at the north or south pole in an ice prison is an eternal pain to a mean cranky old magic crone, or, even, a mean old wizard.


Spring knows that it was the human woman who chose, and also gave the human men a choice, to challenge Winters' time if they choose to live above the 49th parallel. Anyone who ventures forth so far North should know they will not be so pampered, as if they lived in the south, where, Spring must bare those there share of Springs gift's, whose lives are there too, for a time set by the Grand Wizard's. Many wizard's did give these decision a great deal of time and conversed with human mind's, many of the wizard's, of whom, many are women, too.


Until every course of the four season's skill's are restored to balance, "Be Aware" that a mess has been made of the four season's practices and now the consequences that are out of the four seasons control will make a bigger mess on the Earth than was ever seen before.


Be Aware! For now those who have no preparations for greater disaster many will become consumed.

As he bent to his work again and because the master craftsman foresaw the persons action's brought on by anger at another person, for not bending to the will of those who would want Winter to move out, so Spring could warm their elder bones before Winters' challenge is through, the master craftsman saw what was spelled out. Great doom for human's in Springs timing and some will suffer for this fate because Spring will arrive too soon.


The master craftsman let his eye's lid's continue blocking out the horizon, and could see that when the Earths' crust is warmed too soon, the chill the Earth bares will crack it in place's because the early heat will be the barren grounds undoing.


Woe are they who brought with them self north of the 49th parallel with, "no understanding", of where they be, as that warming trend that Spring has been willed to bring, will bring Earth quakes to a place where once the Earth was gentle in Earths shifting and ever bending. :huh:


His eye's lid's drew an ascending stare above the horizon to give human's a care. As before; when the ways of nature were adjusted, as all the master craftsman are all aware, only too well do we know, because he as well as the 'Favored Craftswoman', know, "If you want something done as you expect it to be done, it is best that you do it yourself. If you choose a lazy persons' way and hire another to do the work for you, expect nothing like you had in your own minds' eye conceived." :woot:

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