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Immersive Daedra Worship


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I have always been a bit peeved by the fact that Aedra get all the attention in terms of player worship mechanics. They get the shrines and the amulets, and the daedra only get artifacts. The problem with that is that the average daedra worshipper can't get his hands on these artifacts, and if he wants to cure a disease, he has to fork a lot of gold for one cure disease potion in order to avoid praying to the Divines. So here is my idea to remedy this situation.

  • Amulets for the Daedric Lords that have their own effects and custom models
  • Shrines for the Daedric Lords that have custom models and are hidden deep within the wilderness in places where you would find daedra worshippers and daedra quests
  • Amulets are integrated into the levelled lists, and are often found on necromancers, summoners, vampires, etc . . .
  • A compatibility patch to scatter the shrines across the Dragonborn and Dawnguard dlc zones.
  • A compatibility patch to build daedra shrines in your Hearthfire home rather than shrines to the Nine Divines

Know, one may ask, what would these shrines and amulets do? How would the daedra reward their lesser followers? I have that covered as well.

  • Molag Bal: Conjuration magic costs 20% less
  • Mehrunes Dagon: Destruction magic costs 15% less
  • Malacath: Two handed weaponry does 10% more damage
  • Meridia: All attacks to 10% more damage to undead
  • Hermaeus Mora: All skills level 10% faster
  • Clavicus Vile: Persuasion attempts are 10% more effective
  • Sanguine: Potions are 10% more effective
  • Nocturnal: Stealth is 10% more effective
  • Hircine: Bows and Axes do 10% more damage
  • Peryite: You are 20% less likely to catch diseases
  • Vaermina: Illusion magic costs 10% less to cast
  • Namira: Spiders and Chaurus do 10% less damage to you
  • Mephala: Damage towards allies is increased by 10%
  • Azura: Lesser daedra do 10% less damage to you
  • Boethia: Bounty increases 20% slower

Now Sheogorath's Blessing is where things get really interesting. A random effect from those listed below is chosen upon acquiring the blessing or wearing the amulet and is not displayed to the player.

  • Cheese is 100% more effective
  • Fury works on enemies up to level 21 (not even joking)
  • Fury works on enemies up to level 50
  • Cabbages do 100% more damage when tripped over
  • Fire magic freezes enemies while frost magic burns them
  • Restoration magic does damage instead of healing
  • Other daedra blessings and amulets have inverted effects
  • Enemies killed by the player always have sweet rolls.
  • Summoning one atronach summons a different one instead
  • Arrows put cheese wedges in people's inventory

So there you have it. I understand that this may be a somewhat daunting task, but I believe that if done right, this mod would be a great and heavily endorsed addition to the Nexus.

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