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In-Game Writable Journal


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I have searched and searched for a mod which adds a journal or similar to the game. There is a mod like this for oblivion which i used and was a fan of.


I dont have the scripting knowledge to create a mod like this so others with time and skills on their hands can have a go :D

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Nice idea, certainly.


Possibly related to that idea (or not), would be a means of (safely) organizing the Notes in your Pip-boy. If you are like me and vacuum up everything you find, then you pretty soon have a buttload of stuff there to scroll through. Being able to categorize and/or sort it would be dern good.


For all I know, this is probably another one for the Too Hard Basket, but thought I'd put it out there.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Nice idea, certainly.


Possibly related to that idea (or not), would be a means of (safely) organizing the Notes in your Pip-boy. If you are like me and vacuum up everything you find, then you pretty soon have a buttload of stuff there to scroll through. Being able to categorize and/or sort it would be dern good.


For all I know, this is probably another one for the Too Hard Basket, but thought I'd put it out there.




run fallout 3 in a window but set the resolution to the same resolution as your monitor than alt tab between fallout3 and notepad. it is a pain in the but but it works and doesent crash like when you do it in full screen

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That one *Could* have a jury-rigged solution, where all the notes are "Attached" to dummy quests with impossible objectives. So, you could set the "Misc. notes #1" quest as your active quest and then click "Show active quest notes".

Of course, this creates a lot of quests, and it requires a bit of switching. It could be done, however.

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  • 3 years later...

Attach the journal to a computer terminal and have it print out holotapes. Bam.


edit: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8892/?







I'm going to dl these and see what they look like. Never used them or even heard of them but I was thinking the same thing today and did a google search, found this topic, did another search and found those. I asked the skyrim modder for permission to do a port. We'll see what they say.


editted edit: OH MAN http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/15230/?


we're getting somewhere

Edited by doopdadoo
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I've never made a mod, but I kind of understand how they work. I think the way to go about this would be to do something like a modification to the pip boy. If there was a way to add a custom menu with a keypad, sort of like an iphone, where u click each letter to type. The entries would be short because nobody wants to sit there and do that all day, but maybe be able to plug your pip boy into a computer terminal and kick out holotapes? This could definitely work.

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