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Sex with Companions


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You want to do......what???

I dig the scene you're going for here, and on a few other similar threads. Game bf / gf stuff sounds all well and good. This really could be used to add facinating levels of loyalties and fellowship within the players companion squad. Especially if you hook up, yet continue to flirt (or more) with others in, or outside of, the group.


But, just don't be pokin' my eyebot! ):(

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But, just don't be pokin' my eyebot! ):(


Why not? Doesn't the poor thing deserve some love? Remember, ED-E provides you with a useful perk, never bitches or complains and is very useful as a pack mule.

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What's with the discrimination against robots? Am I the only one who'd like to see a mod that lets the player have sex with ED-E? :sad:


Not at all! On the quest working for the Atomic Wrangler, you have to get a program for a Sexbot for the owner. I didn't know what'd happen when my male character decided to verify the program, but I was scared afterward! Though, again, that was the whole screen-goes-black-all-implied ordeal.

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What's with the discrimination against robots? Am I the only one who'd like to see a mod that lets the player have sex with ED-E? :sad:


Yeah....I think you are

Can't even conceive of it


BTW this thread is awesome, haven't laughed so hard in a while, thanks guys

Edited by devinpatterson
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It's not like it isn't a reasonable and fairly modest request, considering the apparent popularity of molerat boobs and Shojo race mods (with bouncing boobs and all). :rolleyes: Edited by GenocideLolita
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What's with the discrimination against robots? Am I the only one who'd like to see a mod that lets the player have sex with ED-E? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif

Not at all! On the quest working for the Atomic Wrangler, you have to get a program for a Sexbot for the owner. I didn't know what'd happen when my male character decided to verify the program, but I was scared afterward! Though, again, that was the whole screen-goes-black-all-implied ordeal.



His name is Fisto...you got fisted.

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