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Is the lagg the computer or the game?


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What really boosted FPS for me was Pyffi. Using it to optimize some of the meshes (the character ones in particular) brought my FPS in Kvatch from <12 to 25-30+. It also fixed the messed up blood decals I was getting on characters.


Problem for me with using Pyffi is just the large number of "do not go here" mods that can't be used with it, and the need to very carefully select what to Pyffiy based on incomplete knowledge.

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Streamline does not actually speed up the game. it makes changes to the video effects to allow the game to run a little faster. However it will cost you any visual enhancements, it will reduce vision distance and LOD to nearly nothing to try to maintain the fps you specify. You will be walking along and nearly run into a building before you see it. Invisible bandits will be firing arrows at you, the first you see of a bandit he is right in front of you already taking a whack. The grass looks like it has just been mowed. Then when you stop, you can gradually see further, grass miraculously grows, trees apear etc because less strain on the system allows a little more fps without limiting video effects.


Don't even think about running streamline with any texture enhancer mods.


Thats sort of what I meant but would it decrease the amount of lagging?

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"lag" means "I do something, and it takes a while before I can see it happen on screen" - if you're getting lag, it's not due to framerate. If that's not what you mean, it's not called lag.


And if you can see 1/45th second of lag, then don't ever go to the cinema as it must look like a boring slide show

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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