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Favourite Character In DAO


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Who is your favourite character in DAO any character even if its a NPC who is in the game for like 10 minutes i will start things of my favourite is loghain he is so badass and the voice acting for him is epic and he is just omg so coooool.
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Alistair, adorable like a puppydog, yet strong when he needs to be , YES I luv that he has insecurities/vulnerable side. makes him more real.

Zevran, he made me laugh so much! plus the voice is awesome!> he is like this antithesis, an assasin with a heart underneath. its epic

Shale, I loved the voice, the jokes and the revelation of her humanity underneath!


while I appreciated all the other characters as well filled out characters and i always recruited them, I probably could go on without them, as most of those i left in camp anyways! LOL

Ohgren was the most difficult for me to like, He is way to typecast, but finally after like 30 playthrus i made myself take him along and he was kinda ok. a hint of something beneath the Bleh.+

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Leliana. I have never seen a game do such a good job with a lesbian relationship. Most games play lesbian relationships off like "Oh look two lesbians. That's hot." -_-

But with her you felt like there was an actual connection. The relationship was built off love and not just lust for once.

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Favorite order: Alistair>Zevran>Dog (love Extra Dog Slot)>Morrigan>Oghren>Shale>Sten>Lelianna>Wynne


For non-party characters: Bann Teagan (love the way he challenges Loghain), Flemeth (although I end up killing her for Morrigan), the older lady of the two priests in front of the Denerim chantry who keeps screwing up the chant with references to food-related items (although I get tired of hearing them after the initial dialog is over), and Levi.

Edited by FastBlackCat
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