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I'm not ever played Skyrim as a vampire, but when i tried, i didn't like it, except blooddrinking. I have request to any Vampire Mod specialist, who would make half-vampire mod, which gives ability to drink blood (without killing), boosts unarmed damage, Enchants Sneak, Lockpicking and Pickpocket skills, and gives ability to turn vampire lord, but prevents sunlight damage, vampire skin and prevents NPCs to hunt you.


Please someone help!

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custom race, have player is vampire but no keyword vampire or undead, better vampire feed fix applied. Other vampires wont recignize you as one, but you will be a functioning living vampire, so I supose thats half vampire.


Vanila races you can do about the same and yet play through dawnguard with another mod sadly it wont work for dremora to let you keep your look...only vanila races. adds feature to harkons castle. so custom cant playthrough dawn guard and keep there dremora customizer look face.

Edited by skyquest32
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