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OK i have a question. i got dead money a while back and have been leveling up my char to 20 before i embark on the DLC. everything has been running decent until today when my game keeps getting about five seconds into the first loading screen and it crashes. any ideas on why? The only thing i did different was delete two unused mods out of the mod manager. again they were both unchecked and had been that way for some time.


Go to MyDocuments/MyGames/FalloutNV and delete the fallout.ini and falloutprefs.ini BACKUP FIRST.

It should go past the loading screen then.

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@ XerxesBlack


It does that because another mod is trying to load before your FalloutNV.esm


For me it was a real pain to get things to load in the right order. Everything had to be renamed starting with Fb_ an going toward Zz_

The folders located in Data/sounds/voice also had to be changed to match the .esm or .esp which those voice files are for.

Then also any mod using another mod as a master had to be changed inside the header informaton while viewing in FNV edit.


I guess I could have tried installing NVMM into the FNV game directory. At the time though I had just spent a while working on this load order. Then the Default FalloutNV launcher has had a problem of using the modified/created date as a refrence for the load order for a period of time untl it starts looking at the names A-Z to put it into order. Oh hey everything was working fine an then, not, an you didn't change anything. Many hours later you figure it out, that the load order is bonkers. So at the time I knew it was the only sure fire way to fix it.


It wasn't a big deal for me. Whats another hour's work after spending 12-16 hours working on a build. Then I'm going to customize these mods how I want them anyway. You though might wana find a more easy way, If there even is one. Though if you ask me it's kind of pointless to attempt this on a partially expendable or temporary load order. In my case I had spent 12-16 hours polishing this load order because it's a more permanent build. I might add stuff or change stuff inside the files but those files are going to be in the same spot for many months, untill I'm ready to build another.


1. Copy the load order in NVMM (new vegas mod manager) Paste that into notepad. Then add two letters an a _ at the start of each mod in this notepad. Fb_ Fc_ Fd_ Fe_ You can pick whatever letters you like so long as they go in order toward Zz_ starting with Fb_ (because Fb_ is the first letters that would come after Fa as in Fallout new vegas) When you get done, save this notepad because it will be your refrence for how you are going to change names.


2. Launch FNV edit an load the whole load order. Look in the Header data for each mod to see which ones are using mods as masters. FalloutNV.esm you are not going to change, so you can ignore that one. Other mods that are using mods as masters though you will have to change these names in the header data. This is where your notepad file comes in handy because you can quickly jump to a mod an find out which name you pick for it. After you have changed all the names in the header data to what it's going to be. Save it an close FNV edit.


3. Open up your data folder an your notepad file. Start renaming the actual mods acording to your list. NO MISTAKES


4. Open NVMM an see what the list looks like, compare it to your notepad file. When it's in the right order close NVMM an launch FNV edit load up the whole list an see if it loads up.


5. Go to Data/sounds/voice change these folders names to match the .esm an .esp names you have in your notepad file. Otherwise these sounds won't play. Dead Money for example has one of these folders. But it's locked away inside a stupid .BSA thankfully I always unpack non-vanilla .BSA anyway as a way to avoid Archive invalidation issues with overlaping folders. So the folders name is DeadMoney.esm to which I had to change to Fb_DeadMoney.esm <--------yes it has to match.

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I'm curious. I've had great performance in New Vegas without any real problems aside from the occasional mod clash but those get figured out. Now that I updated to the latest game patch, my game is chockier, blockier, and crashier than ever. The newly updated NV stutter remover helps tons but the game is still much worse than it was before this latest patch. I could have played for hours without a crash, and now I get random crashes here and there (nothing like FO3 but still tons more than I did before in NV).


So what are your experiences? Aside from crashes, I get lots of lag entering/exiting interiors. You guys?



I've been having a repeated error where changing my drawn weapon causes me to be unable to fire/use/activate objects, equip/unequip, use pipboy. When i go into 3rd person, my charachters arms hang stiff straight down.

Any advice? this has ruined 2 games and happens at random. I'm getting sick of losing all my progross again & again & again....

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I've been having a repeated error where changing my drawn weapon causes me to be unable to fire/use/activate objects, equip/unequip, use pipboy. When i go into 3rd person, my charachters arms hang stiff straight down.

Any advice? this has ruined 2 games and happens at random. I'm getting sick of losing all my progross again & again & again....

You know, that reminds me of an animation glitch that someone came up with a fix for, it was something that had to do with reloading animations or something like that. Can't remember just what it was, though. May not be it, but it reminds me of when my guns would seemingly *jam* and I couldn't fire or get into the Pipboy or anything. I had found some replacer that substituted the reloading animations or something like that and it fixed it for me. That was a while ago, though, and I don't have that loaded any more as I've reinstalled, so that might have already been fixed with a game update or might not be what you're talking about to begin with.


Are you using some gun-manipulating mods that might be conflicting with each other?



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I've been having a repeated error where changing my drawn weapon causes me to be unable to fire/use/activate objects, equip/unequip, use pipboy. When i go into 3rd person, my charachters arms hang stiff straight down.

Any advice? this has ruined 2 games and happens at random. I'm getting sick of losing all my progross again & again & again....

You know, that reminds me of an animation glitch that someone came up with a fix for, it was something that had to do with reloading animations or something like that. Can't remember just what it was, though. May not be it, but it reminds me of when my guns would seemingly *jam* and I couldn't fire or get into the Pipboy or anything. I had found some replacer that substituted the reloading animations or something like that and it fixed it for me. That was a while ago, though, and I don't have that loaded any more as I've reinstalled, so that might have already been fixed with a game update or might not be what you're talking about to begin with.


Are you using some gun-manipulating mods that might be conflicting with each other?


I am using a few custom gun & armor mods that I imported from Fallout 3 - Skree's bf2142 Arnor & weapons textures. I tweaked them in geck. Also using Readius, NVSE, Adv Hardcore & respaen mods. Disabling these do not seem to help. I will look into the animation glitch fix. I noticed that equiping/unequipng in 3rd person vi console commands makes the weapon spawn veritally next to the character. Do you remeber who made the animation fix? If all else fails i can reinstal, but it would be a major pain.



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You know, I found it again, but on reading the description, it wasn't what I think you're experiencing. Anyway, it's here. Should be a fixed bug, so if you're up to date, the particular problem this mod resolves shouldn't happen anyway. Sorry.

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You know, I found it again, but on reading the description, it wasn't what I think you're experiencing. Anyway, it's here. Should be a fixed bug, so if you're up to date, the particular problem this mod resolves shouldn't happen anyway. Sorry.


Thanks, appreciate the help. If this doesnt work, i may just reinstal. Updated via steam yesterday <again>, so I'm pretty sure I have all updates.

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  • 2 months later...
I have had almost no problems post patch a few niggly unhv ctds and stuff but apart from that everything was sweet, till I got to Novac, sometimes I take two steps in the town limits and *bang!* ctd sometimes I can walk around a bit then *bang!* another ctd it's madness I have removed the mods that I think may possibly affect anything near Novac but still nothing but now I have a cunning plan, I have installed Novac Redux right at the bottom of my load order see if it can straighten out any of the issues. But if anyone has any ideas about something causing problems in there game for instance I would be happy to hear from you
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I get more stutter, less CTD and more Freezes....


Not sure about it helping my game stability, I miss the CTD but smoother game play. XD

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