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I want Summerset isles


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i see the screenshots on tamriel hieght maps of summerset but all the comments and description say it's not included and it's still a work in progress BUT I WANT IT NOW i dont care that they aren't finished i want what they have done or if there is another mod that makes summerset isles playable i have the hight maps and i want it sooooo bad if nothing like this exists someone should make it please
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There's a slight differencve between a polite request and a toddler bellowing a demand - currently you come across as being on the wrong side of that line.
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WTF it's a request what the hell is wrong with people on this site every time i request a mod some smart ass says stuff like you should make it IF I COULD MAKE IT I WOULDN"T BE REQUESTING SOMEBODY ELSE TO MAKE IT this is extremely frustrating it's actually driving me insane so if u have a comment on the request and what it pertains too by all means go ahead but if your going to say something like make it yourself then f*** off i dont post requests to make them myself f***!!!
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As a modding community we benefit from each other's works and respect the time and effort that goes into creating them, especially in the cases of large worldspace additions.


Modders make these things because they want to and enjoy doing so. They can't be forced to do it.


There's a world of difference between a request and a demand, and demands will get you absolutely nowhere... except maybe banned from the site.


Have patience. If someone is working on the project you're requesting it'll be done in it's own time and most likely will be well worth the wait.

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Thread closed. This bickering is only bumping the thread which is unfair to other members who also have requests, who's threads are not being bumped (which is against the rules) and are getting pushed further down the list.


Also be aware that swearing is considered to be inappropriate on the site, and is a violation of the rules.


AND be aware that the mod requests forums are NOT the place for a bunch of "I want I want I want" "Gimme gimme gimme" DEMANDS. Be warned Right Now that there is no place on this site for that kind of behavior. If you cannot respect the modders which make up this community, then you will be shown the door.

Show some respect for the community, its members, and it's modders or you will leave.


-DarkeWolf, Nexus Staff.

Edited by DarkeWolf
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