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DrunkenGamer's Sig Display


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i was told that pictures with back grounds can be a pain, idk just what someone told me once, so if that picture doesnt work, here are two more that you could potentially use as well





Edited by hoofhearted4
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Hey hoofy, I've decided to make your sig vectored, and basically that just means that it will take a long time, but it'll end up looking pretty neat.


Are you familiar with vector art? Something like this:



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lol im not familiar with any thing art lol. do whatever you want bro.


and ya, ive actually been to a couple of forums asking for Immortal sigs. im trying to get the best one. i have to soo far, my current sig and this one:




honestly not a big fan of that one. for one you cant see the immortal barely, cant read the text and my name is wrong. hoof hearted as opposed to hoof_heared4.


i guess he cut out the immortal from the one with the back ground and used that. it still looks cool, but not that great imo.


anyways take your time with mine, no rush. if you have others to do go ahead and do theirs first :)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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I hope you like it. I'm totally willing to redo it if you want. :D

Hopefully it's somewhat like what you wanted.

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Eh, hoofy.

Doing this one was fun, but for some reason my creativity button wasn't working.


Hope you like it anyway.



Again, if you don't like it, I'll redo it. No problem.

Edited by DrunkenGamer
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