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Name: Machiavelli

Gender: Female

Age: 20-25

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Stealth - Fails on a regular basis. Thanks to Hardcore Difficulty

Specialties: Dying or Becoming Over-Encumbered while swimmung underwater.

Weaknesses: Using Third Person too much

Likes: The BIG open areas.

Dislikes: The ridiculous invisibile barriers that stop me taking short cuts.

Fears: Deathclaws, a p***ed off Mother Deathclaw (To be more precise)

Friendly Factions: BoS, NCR, Boomers

Enemy Factions: Legion, Khans, Fiends (All Homicidal Cutthroats, Rapists, Drug users, and members of a particular faction buried me half-alive..)

Companions: Travel Alone

Love interest?: Dead

Parents: Dead. Were blown up while passing by the Nelson air field (Near the Boomers) - Good Riddance!

How did he/she become a courier?: Known to be pretty quiet, and not complain too much. (MUTED)

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I figure, why not throw my little character into this mix of ones. ;) Feel free to comment on what you all think. Also, this may be subject to change since I've yet to play any of the DLC's so far.


Name: Josey

Gender: Male

Age: late 20's

Race: Human

Combat Style: Ranged

Specialties: Guns & Explosives

Weaknesses: Whiskey

Likes: Whiskey & Women

Dislikes: Fiends, Raiders

Wants: . . . can't remember.

Fears: Deathclaws at close range.

Friendly Factions: BoS, NCR, Great Khans, WG Society, Freeside, Novac, The Strip, Boomers

Enemy Factions: Fiends, Ceasar's Legion, Powder Gangers

Companions: Boone, Arcade Gannon, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, ED-E, Lily, Raul, Veronica

Love interest?: None.

Parents: Dead. Natural causes.

Early life:


Born to a California rancher, Josey learned how to work the land at a young age. His family constantly struggling to keep up as the richer Brahmin Barons and Bighorn Ranchers started to push harder and harder to gain more territory. When not working, Josey was taught by his mother in their small home, learning history as well as math, reading and writing. His father taught him how to shoot as well as gather supplies to live off the land.


Teen years:


Being like his father, Josey would get into fights with others, usually with the Brahmin handlers that would cross his families land and destroy their crops while taking 'short cuts' on 'their property'. Unable to get help from the NCR in these trouble makers, Josey decided to take matters into his own hands. Using his skills with a gun he shot the water containers of several Brahmin handlers trespassing on his families farmland in an effort to force them to leave. The tactic worked for a time, till a local sheriff arrived with a representative of the NCR and a Brahmin Baron to his family farm. Josey was given the option of being arrested and charged as a terrorist for disrupting an important NCR supply line, or to leave the NCR territory. Not wanting to go to jail, Josey instead accepted exile and made his way west, eventually reaching Arizona.


While in Arizona, Josey did odd jobs working as a farm hand and at times as an escort for caravans. His travels eventually led him into an encounter with Ceaser's Legion. Remembering his history lessons from his mother, he quickly grew to dislike the Legion and refused to work with any caravan or farmer that let them aide. As Arizona started to fall more under Ceaser's control, Josey found himself a forced exile again, this time making his way towards New Vegas. Short on caps, food, and ammunition, Josey took a chance and stopped at a Ranch hoping the residents would be kind enough to offer him some food and a warm place to stay for the night. Seeing that there were some things needing done, Josey decided to take care of some work at the ranch, impressing its owner. To Josey's amazement, the owner of the ranch offered him a job, which he accepted and became a farm hand at the Wolfhorn Ranch.




While working at the Wolfhorn Ranch he also helped out a small farmstead close by, using his skills with a gun to keep a watch thanks to the watchtower on the hill. Becoming friends with Ulysses, the Wolfhorn Ranch owner, Josey taught him some of the history that his mother had taught him as well as show him pictures from an old history book he salvaged from a shipment of books at a local abandoned airport. This inspired Ulysses to want to learn more of nations, especially with his growing dissatisfaction at the encroaching NCR and Ceaser's Legion. Josey was happy with his work, and played a harmonica to pass the time, a gift from Ulysses.


One day, as Ulysses left in order to sell some of the Ranch's goods in Freeside, Josey spotted a band of raiders coming towards the ranch. Sending out a warning signal he was able to snipe a few of the raiders before making his way to the fortified farmstead close by. In a desperate fight to survive, the other farmers and Josey were betrayed by one of the farmhands who made a deal with the raiders for his own safety in exchange for all the food and the others at the ranch. Enraged by this Josey fought the man even as the ranch was over run, leading to him being struck in he head and the other man dead. In the confusion, the Raiders mistaken Josey for their inside man, so they took him from the farmstead, leaving the dead and burnt bodies of the others.


How did he/she become a courier?:


Recovering from his injuries Josey dispatched the group of raiders that now held him captive, escaping and fleeing into the wasteland. Feeling as if he failed his friend and the others, Josey headed North to Montana and eventually got a job as a courier and attempted to avoid the area of New Vegas out of fear of the memories of what had happened. However he got an assignment that would bring him back to the Mojave, and result in an ambush and a bullet to the skull. Surviving Josey now only has flashes of his past and the lessons that he learned as a child. Unable to remember his past, he seeks the mysterious courier that was suppose to deliver the package instead of him, hoping that he would have the answers to his now forgotten past.

Edited by CoreXion
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Name: Anubis Grim

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Race: Raider

Combat Style: Whatever means necessary.


Specialties: Can convince anyone to do anything and a master buyer , Take's a lot of Chems (especially Psycho) , Strong enough to fight alone because all follower's who stick with him wind up dead (I do some crazy s***.)


Weaknesses: Cazadors & Night stalkers (I loved OWB but I killed the think tank because they created those things... killed moebus to cause he was cramping my style. :P)


Likes:Looting from corpses , Chems , Killing , Raiding , Attacking innocent towns , BLOWING UP THE BOS AND KILLING THEM ALL ON THE WAY OUT! (with help of turrets AND veronica XD)


Dislikes: BOS , NCR , Caesar's Legion , Authority figure's , Goody 2 shoes , House (basically everyone)


Wants: Immortality.


Fears: Death


Friendly Factions: Khans , Boomer's , Poweder Ganger's, Fiends/Raider's (mod)

Enemy Factions: Basically everyone else.


Companions: Works alone, I do use Willow, and my own custom follower I'm working on


Love interest?: Veronica before I blew up BOS, Willow, and Random hooker's.


Parents: He's a RAIDER, so they dead.


Early life: Raised in the ruins of a Apartment by some hard ass mother f***er's who grew and trained Raider's... Hard knock life.


Teen year: Raiding, pillaging, killing, needed some extra caps so he signed up for a courier job.

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Just a reccomendation, PLease put the mods you find are Vital to your character1


VITAL MODS, Project Neveda, RTS mod, Weapon Mods Expanded, Wasteland Sex (lulz), More Perks mod, UHNV base, and finally Willow.

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Just a reccomendation, PLease put the mods you find are Vital to your character1


VITAL MODS, Project Neveda, RTS mod, Weapon Mods Expanded, Wasteland Sex (lulz), More Perks mod, UHNV base, and finally Willow.

Perfecttt! uploading my character soon!

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Age: Early 30's


Combat Style:Stealth

Specialties:Sniping and hand to hand combat

Weaknesses: Slaves (since he was on he saves the a lot!)

Likes:Shotguns and Bountys. Sitting in a tower and sniping whatever passes by

Dislikes:Lack of work

Wants:Anti-Material Rifle

Fears: Slavery

Friendly Factions:NCR (He does many contracts for them)

Enemy Factions:Caesars Legion

Companions:Boone for high risk operations

Love interest?: None

Parents:Both his mom and dad were enslaved by the legion. Shade was a gladiator

Early life:Spent all of his childhood training and fighting other children in the arena

Teen years:Be came a Frumentarii (Legions spy) just to get close to Caesar and kill him

How did he/she become a courier?: He was picking up any work he could get because no one needed someone killed










Edited by chasey489
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Name: The Author

Gender: Male

Age: N/A

Race: Human Tribal

Combat Style: No real combat style. Will occasionally just scream out and bull rush an enemy group head on. It's worked so far...

Specialties: Long Ranged Sniping, Close Quarters Combat, Tactical Commanding

Weaknesses: His own sanity(He is known to hallucinate), Easy to Anger(Causes him to make mistakes, but most people don't live long enough to take advantage.)

Likes: Vodka, Whiskey, Old style guns(Such as M1928A1 Thompson SMG and the M1 Garand), genuinely nice people

Dislikes: Himself, people who are mean with no reason, The Legion(Really hates them)

Wants: An MP 40 and a StG 44

Fears: Being left alone

Friendly Factions: The NCR on occasions, The BoS on occasions, The Enclave(One of the only groups of people he actually likes), The Heralds of the Azure Lady(One of the leaders of)

Enemy Factions: The Legion, M-Corp, ummmm...most Raider groups and gangs, The Regulators

Companions: His elder sister Symahn Ramcey, An intelligent East Coast Super Mutant Overlord named Mason, an mutated Mirelurk Hunter he calls Carl

Love interest?: Possibly his own elder sister

Parents: Killed during one of his hallucination episodes

Early life: N/A

Teen years: N/A

How did he/she become a courier?: Became a courier to scout out the weaknesses of the various warring factions before he calls in his troops to have the area cleansed and a base of operations in the North American Wastelands set up.


Vital Mods:

None but my own which is made up of a few modder's resources.


This character is based on another for an upcoming mod of mine.

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Name: Dmitry Mihailov


Age: 22

Race : Caucasian

Combat Style: Short range,SMG,pistols,shotguns

Specialties: Jack of All Trades,King of All Master of None

Weaknesses: Jack Daniels,New guns to try,Women,and of course his Vodka!

Likes: Women,guns and explosions

Dislikes:Energy weapons,why use twinkly lights when bullets work much better? Cazadors,and anything with more than 2 legs.

Wants:a good shotgun

Fears: Pissing off Momma Deathclaw and running outta ammo

Friendly Factions:Neutral to all

Enemy Factions:So far none

Companions: Willow

Love interest?: He hasnt found a girl he likes enough

Parents:Parents came from Siberia,They walked and managed to find a way across the Bearing Strait and headed south.

Early life: Was born in Alaska, where his family stayed for several years.

Teen years:Moved around a lot with his parents.They settled in the former Denver area and when Dimitry was 16,they were killed when a boobytrapped car detonated and vaporized them. He heard of Vegas and said "What the hell,Ill go check it out" and left Denver.

How did he/she become a courier? It was a job.It was money.He needed a way to settle down

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Name: Damon

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Energy Weapons

Specialties: Medicine; I can put you back together as easily as I can tear you down [Living Anatomy Perk].

Weaknesses: Needs to wear goggles to protect his eyes from the flash of laser weaponry. Also has difficulty expressing human emotions at times [Low Charisma – Dump Stat].

Likes: Damon likes a good spot of whiskey by the fire as well as the warm rush of an advanced energy weapon in his hands. His old home had been cold, to say the least, and so he enjoys that which takes his mind off of it.

Dislikes: Having to clean acid off his clothing… or radiation, dirt, mud, grime, blood or any kind of foreign contaminant. Of course he also dislikes those who commit terrible deeds for their own sake and such and such. But the dirty clothing just hits a nerve.

Wants: To find a home.

Fears: Being found by those he sought to escape.

Friendly Factions: The NCR and Followers of the Apocalypse [Main Liked Factions]

Enemy Factions: Caesar’s Legion [Main Disliked Faction]

Companions: ED-E is more useful than Rex due to it's ability to stay out of the main fight yet still acquit itself. Damon also respects Boone's desire for vengeance as well as peace and like’s to have him in a fight.

Love interest?: Sarah Weintraub is kind of cute I suppose – and stable, not like she is going anywhere… what with her case of agoraphobia and all.


Parents: Didn’t have any


Early life: Damon was an android created in the Institute back in the Commonwealth, what was left of the state of Massachusetts, as part of an advanced program to create the perfect soldiers. The project sought to create the perfect fighting force, as responsive and obedient as any machine but as flexible and tactical as any human operative. He will never age past 30, [Logan’s Loophole], and can simulate human feelings, emotions and desire’s perfectly. Unfortunately, developing a free will was not an intended effect and something which he had to hide for fear of termination.


Teen years: He was trained for combat in all manner of weaponry (particularly “superior” energy weapon technology), as well as taught a great deal of knowledge from the Old World which included Medicine (a favorite of his). Though prized he was treated as expendable, and had to survive murderous tests set upon him by his creators. He escaped with the help of the Railroad and headed West to find a new life.


How did he become a courier?: Running had been a part of Damon’s life ever since leaving the Institute. Within him was advanced prototype technologies the Institute would stop at nothing to retrieve. Even after losing the last hunting group by jumping over a waterfall in Utah, Damon still ran to avoid discovery. He was no coward, but the Enclave at its peak would have been hard-pressed to dissuade the institute from claiming its “rightful property”. To make a living of his existence he took up the trade of a courier in order to make ends meet, allowing his newfound profession to take him as far as Nevada.

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