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Star Wars Total Conversion


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A total conversion mod for oblivion based on star wars. Rebel guards, guarding the city, using the blaster rifle mod that was released not too long ago. Use lightsabers that was released by the same guy. Add jedi bosses, story line thats lets you choose light or dark side. Random clone trooper battle encounters in the wilderness. I mean there is limitless possibilities and I think a team should form together and make this. I know MANY people would enjoy this and this would probably surpass midas magic. Tell me what you guys think, I think this is totally do-able. And if no one wants to do that, can someone make a jedi master robe? Would work nice with my jedi character.
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I mean there is limitless possibilities and I think a team should form together and make this.

A few Star Wars total conversions have been started...but none were ever finished and all assets created essentially wasted.


This is why I am typically against "total conversions" because so much work is put into it and eventually fizzles out or endlessly is "upgraded" to the next game engine. If there are people out there that want to create Star Wars assets, do so and release them in small increments with permissions that would allow someone to include it into a total conversion at a later date. Once enough assets are created, THEN start a total conversion so that the main bulk of creating the game is just putting the stuff together rather than making it all from scratch...which would take years of work even from several dedicated modders working on it.


Oblivion just isn't a "proper" game engine to use and would require a lot of fiddling just to make it "somewhat" passable but I don't think it would be very convincing. I could be wrong but the one modder in a hundred might be able to pull it off but I still think that a Star Wars TC for Oblivion is asking for too much work to be done (realistically).


I know MANY people would enjoy this and this would probably surpass midas magic.

That's just the fanboi speaking in you. As a fellow Star Wars junky, I feel your plight but take this for an example...


Boba Fett has to be one of the more awesome characters of the franchise. Here are a couple of comparisons:

Mandalorian Armor - 1,485 unique downloads. Not much interest so I'd call this a niche mod.

Lost Paladins of the Divines - 73,150 unique downloads. People grab it mainly for the armor but they also enjoy the quest/story.


The main thing I take from this is that Star Wars junkies simply are not around the Oblivion "scene" in mass and I doubt they ever will be.


Tell me what you guys think, I think this is totally do-able. And if no one wants to do that, can someone make a jedi master robe? Would work nice with my jedi character.

A Jedi Historian Robe was once requested but nothing ever came of it.



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I mean there is limitless possibilities and I think a team should form together and make this.

A few Star Wars total conversions have been started...but none were ever finished and all assets created essentially wasted.


This is why I am typically against "total conversions" because so much work is put into it and eventually fizzles out or endlessly is "upgraded" to the next game engine. If there are people out there that want to create Star Wars assets, do so and release them in small increments with permissions that would allow someone to include it into a total conversion at a later date. Once enough assets are created, THEN start a total conversion so that the main bulk of creating the game is just putting the stuff together rather than making it all from scratch...which would take years of work even from several dedicated modders working on it.


Oblivion just isn't a "proper" game engine to use and would require a lot of fiddling just to make it "somewhat" passable but I don't think it would be very convincing. I could be wrong but the one modder in a hundred might be able to pull it off but I still think that a Star Wars TC for Oblivion is asking for too much work to be done (realistically).


I know MANY people would enjoy this and this would probably surpass midas magic.

That's just the fanboi speaking in you. As a fellow Star Wars junky, I feel your plight but take this for an example...


Boba Fett has to be one of the more awesome characters of the franchise. Here are a couple of comparisons:

Mandalorian Armor - 1,485 unique downloads. Not much interest so I'd call this a niche mod.

Lost Paladins of the Divines - 73,150 unique downloads. People grab it mainly for the armor but they also enjoy the quest/story.


The main thing I take from this is that Star Wars junkies simply are not around the Oblivion "scene" in mass and I doubt they ever will be.


Tell me what you guys think, I think this is totally do-able. And if no one wants to do that, can someone make a jedi master robe? Would work nice with my jedi character.

A Jedi Historian Robe was once requested but nothing ever came of it.




Yea, I have released a mod recently and I am already having trouble getting back to working on it. Mostly from lack of motivation, and laziness. As much as I would really like to see this mod, I dont think its going to happen but its worth putting the thought into some peoples heads. But as you were saying about releasing in increments, well we kind of already have that. We have light sabers, droids, and as the above poster said, storm troopers. I havnt even searched for other things. Also there is that madalorian armor you posted and I saw a royal guard outfit a while back.

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There are a couple mods that put the Deathstar into the sky where a moon would normally be also. Hmm, there is a house called Slimy Mudhole that isn't totally perfect but does have references. A Yoda race wouldn't really be that difficult. There's an X-Wing, too. I think there are tauntauns but I can't remember for sure. Leia is here with the slave outfit. Not sure about Han but there's an Indiana Jones that could be redressed pretty easily.


But in the end, LHammonds is right, total conversion is just unlikely to happen without the team burning out, especially with Skyrim coming out and other moddable games which are more sci fi friendly. Lots of people still play this game and will for a long time, but it's kind of late in the cycle of the game to put together a full conversion that isn't fantasy I think. If you'd done it a year or two ago, then more likely. Cheer up! There are enough SW files here to make a pretty convincing addition to your personal game. And Skyrim looks like a really good place to attempt Hoth when it comes out.


If you do manage a conversion, I'd be downloading it right away.

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You might find one of the other Bethesda games more easily moddable for the technological side too - Oblivion might be ok for The Force but the technology might end up more like The Farce.
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Yes, there are several mods available but put all of those together, and you simply do not have enough content to create a TC. I know for a fact that Ghogiel has created more (unreleased) content for Star Wars than all the currently available star wars mods combined. He created the assets and made them "ready" for Oblivion but he knew that it wouldn't easily fit well with the engine and was hoping Fallout would be a better match...not sure about current status on that though.


What would be a great idea is to have a "Star Wars" thread that seeks to list EVERY SINGLE Oblivion mod that is related to Star Wars.


THAT would be cool and quite do-able.



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