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Visible wounding, And a possibly easy method of pulling it off.


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I figured, it could be possible to add bloody wounds and injuries in the form of armors equipped by a script, and they could be running off of a already existing mod for locational damage, such as.. Locational damage, or battle fatigue and injuries.


Suprisingly, this type of visible wounding actually Already exists in the game In the form of five burn wounds you can find with the console.. Best part is, they don't show in the inventory. One could either use these existing pieces as a test for a bigger mod.. (They sure look like either nasty burns, or terrible wounds. Suprising they pull off both.) Where when the player character takes severe enough injury, the mod would auto-force equip one of the said false-armors onto the character, and later removed when desired.


It could also be interesting RP wise to force the player into a wounded animation while idle, or if someone is daring enough, possibly replace the rarely used drunk animation with something more akin to limping.


Lets hear what you fellas think? This could be neat to add to an existing injury mod, or as a standalone.

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