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Very, very simple mod not working


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I'm adding an object script to a lockpick, though it won't work unless I manually add the properties (name, icon). I add the script to the lockpick in the CS, using the following code:


ScriptName LockpickOnAdd


Message "xxx", 10



After adding the script, I enter the game and find that lockpicks have no name (as indicated by <missing name>). I edit the name properties in the CS, and they are now named, though have no icon. I don't understand what's happening here, as I'm following this tutorial: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Scripting_Tutorial:_My_First_Script - nowhere does it state I must manually add the properties to the object...


What's going on?

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I just tested your script and it works fine. I don't know what you did, but you did something wrong. Delete your esp and start again.


Open the CS and create the script first, and make sure it is an object script. Save it.


Double click on the Lockpick in Misc\Items and select the script dropdown. Select LockpickOnAdd and press OK.


Save and name your new esp.

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