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Enchanted Weapons have torch like glow


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I think there is a scripted "torch as a weapon" someplace, but I suspect that's done using OBSE and something very clever too. It always struck me as odd that the default torch wasn't a club + fire damage as well. I'm making the assumption in the suggestion above that it's easier to make a torch that looks like a sword, and add damage, than to make a working weapon act as a torch too, but if you've already done a script to do the latter then doing the former may be redundant. Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Hmmmm... I did a bit of a search based on your info and found "Wieldable Torches". From the description, it creates a weapon using the torch mesh (including the fire which is basically an animated mesh). The illumination it provides is indeed a lightsource scripted to follow the player though it doesn't require OBSE.


The problem with adding damage to a torch is that the game treats it as a torch and doesn't allow the animation to swing it as a weapon. Even if the animation could be added, a script to move a light around is probably easier than a script to calculate hit detection and damage.


I guess we'll have to keep searching for the Holy Grail of glowing weapons. :)

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Maybe skyrim will sort it out


Of course, a glowing weapon would cause serious problems when sneaking :) I can't see a bright glowing dagger with fire damage being popular for assassin-types

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