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Running out of memory


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Long term reader here but first post ever!

I have the perfect installation of Oblivion, more or less, with both MMM and OOO running like a charm and all of the bigger adventure mods like Verona House, Blood and Mud, Windfall, Gates to Aesgaard, Tears of The Fiend and so on, combined with Qarls Textures, RAEVWD, Animated Window Lightning system and plenty more.


The game still runs okay with 30fps, with small dips down to the low 20s, but the amount of graphicmods (I guess) eats up all the VRAM. At startup the game uses 800MB of VRAM according to the console. After running around for a bit the game easily goes up to 1200MB, peaking out at almost 1500MB at places.


I've added the 4gb patch for x64 systems and it helps a lot but sooner or later the game still crashes. Streamliner and Oblivion Crash Prevention System does help quite a bit but not enough.

As I have a HD4870 1gb, and planning for an upgrade to a 6870 or similar, I wonder if you think that the extra VRAM will help me avoid crashes or if it is a problem with the game itself. I'm playing at a 2560x1600 resolution but lowering it to, say, 1920x1200 doesn't really help - the game still uses as much memory.


Rest of the system:


AMD AM2+ 940BE 3,0ghz

8gb of ram



Thanks in advance :)

Edited by Run4life
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or if it is a problem with the game itself.


There you go. Oblivion is an old game and no manner of fiddling or upgrading will make the game engine capable of utilising all of the modern processor perks and features.

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Run4life, I suggest you post your problem in the OOO thread on Bethsoft's own mod forums, or perhaps create a new thread, there. I'm not running OOO, but I am running Fran's, MMM, and about 230 other mods--and have crashes once every 4-5 hours of gameplay. If that. Certainly not due to memory issues, at least, not for me.


Try running in a significantly lower resolution--1000 x 728, for example. Switch to Qarl's Redemized, which gives much of the same effect with smaller resolutions, too. If you haven't done this already, run Wrye Bash and build a Bashed Patch, and run BOSS to see if your mod loading order needs shifting around. Check out Oblivion Stutter Remover, as well. It can deal with some CTD issues.


The game doesn't handle RAM especially well, as Hickory points out (though it handles it a lot better than Morrowind). A reasonable load shouldn't crash all the time, however. And memory might not be the cause or the sole cause of the problem on your machine. Best to cut down on memory, and get the your load order optimized.

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