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Virus attack while on TESNexus, highly unusual behavior.


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Truecrypt does nothing to protect you from viruses. It is an encryption program that encrypts any file you tell it to. (Putts it in a code that no one else can read) - good for hiding files or entire folders from your little (or big) brother. Encrypting a virus will not keep it from doing damage, just hide it from people that look at your files.


Note, we have nearly two and a half million members. ONE has reported getting a virus from The Nexus lately. If we were posting infected files don't you think we would have gotten more complaints? Sometimes the ad servers get hit by scammers that put infected ads up, but you should have to click on the ad to get any virus that way. The ads do pay for the expense of running a huge site like the Nexus so we cannot just get rid of them like some people have suggested.


Info on what it takes to run these sites: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/307327-the-nexus-finances/


I think what you might be looking for is a sandbox program that allows your browser to be disconnected from the files. One that comes to mind is called 'Sandboxie'. If a virus pops up while browsing with a sandboxed browser, it can be removed just by rebooting the browser - NOTHING is saved on your hard drive - so you can see that this may not be a good thing for downloading mods. However, most do have a function for saving the download from the sandbox into the saved files if you want to. But if the virus is embedded in the download - it will be saved along with the rest. But it does give you a chance to scan it for viruses first. :thumbsup:

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Sorry its been awhile since ive been able to look at this (forgot my username and password for my last account so i made a new one)(( i know im dumb xP)) but now im back and realized it was LilLollyKiller, so thanks guys on the advice. im gonna try ur suggestions out tomoro. if i dont forget that is.<br><br><br><font color="#FF8C00">Usually creating multiple accounts is a banning offense. However, I believe there was no harm intended on this one - I banned the older account - LilLollyKiller - to prevent confusion.<br>Bben46, Moderator</font><br>
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dear worm82075,

u sir r my hero. when i did as u said, it fixed it. u have my undying gratitude. i can now return to dragon age, oblivion, farcry, fallout, crysis, and others. *cyber-bro fist*. i couldnt care less how stupid this reply makes me look, this is pretty awesome for me right now haha. but seriously thanks a ton

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