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Stategy Guide


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....Massive spoilers, but I guess if you're looking for a strategy guide, you don't care about that.


It's not that I am looking for spoilers. What I am looking for however, is how best to proceed in the game? Do I kill Robert House and proceed on, or do I let him live? Do I side with the NCR and the Great Khans and kill the Ormertas, the White Glove society and Benny's Chairman Idiots; not to mention the Legion? What? This is what I was looking for?!? Personally, as much as I despise Congress and corporate America right now, and despite that, I will most likely side with the NCR that much is a given. I just wanted to get and idea of what the best course of action is. For example, in Dragon Age Origins it was about character building.


(I don't mean to get political here, but if you take a moment and think about it Fallout New Vegas almost mirrors today's worldwide current events. When you have a drug crazed idiot like Gadhafi killing his own people, simply because they want social change, he's more apt to push the nuclear button than China. Here at home the Republicans Tea Party numbskulls are poised to shut down the Capital, for their own agendas –supporting the wealthy elitist. On the other, democracy only works if everyone is involved in what goes on –the process of governing a country. Unfortunately, by today's standards America has become a country of individualists.)


Thank you.



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It's not that I am looking for spoilers. What I am looking for however, is how best to proceed in the game? Do I kill Robert House and proceed on, or do I let him live? Do I side with the NCR and the Great Khans and kill the Ormertas, the White Glove society and Benny's Chairman Idiots; not to mention the Legion? What? This is what I was looking for?!? Personally, as much as I despise Congress and corporate America right now, and despite that, I will most likely side with the NCR that much is a given. I just wanted to get and idea of what the best course of action is. For example, in Dragon Age Origins it was about character building.

New Vegas is the kind of game where there isn't a best option, it's a sandbox game where the point is to do what you want. So if you want to side with the NCR go ahead, if you want to help Benny, feel free. This isn't a ham-handed Bioware game so there isn't a dull good, snarky nuetral or monsterous evil option. Whatever you choose some characters will lose and some will get to develop further. However if you really want a narrow experience of the game feel free to watch a let's play.


(I don't mean to get political here, but if you take a moment and think about it Fallout New Vegas almost mirrors today's worldwide current events. When you have a drug crazed idiot like Gadhafi killing his own people, simply because they want social change, he's more apt to push the nuclear button than China. Here at home the Republicans Tea Party numbskulls are poised to shut down the Capital, for their own agendas –supporting the wealthy elitist. On the other, democracy only works if everyone is involved in what goes on –the process of governing a country. Unfortunately, by today's standards America has become a country of individualists.)


Thank you.



You don't mean to get political but you're going to tell everyone exactly what you think of American politics?

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It's not that I am looking for spoilers. What I am looking for however, is how best to proceed in the game? Do I kill Robert House and proceed on, or do I let him live? Do I side with the NCR and the Great Khans and kill the Ormertas, the White Glove society and Benny's Chairman Idiots; not to mention the Legion? What? This is what I was looking for?!? Personally, as much as I despise Congress and corporate America right now, and despite that, I will most likely side with the NCR that much is a given. I just wanted to get and idea of what the best course of action is. For example, in Dragon Age Origins it was about character building.

New Vegas is the kind of game where there isn't a best option, it's a sandbox game where the point is to do what you want. So if you want to side with the NCR go ahead, if you want to help Benny, feel free. This isn't a ham-handed Bioware game so there isn't a dull good, snarky nuetral or monsterous evil option. Whatever you choose some characters will lose and some will get to develop further. However if you really want a narrow experience of the game feel free to watch a let's play.


(I don't mean to get political here, but if you take a moment and think about it Fallout New Vegas almost mirrors today's worldwide current events. When you have a drug crazed idiot like Gadhafi killing his own people, simply because they want social change, he's more apt to push the nuclear button than China. Here at home the Republicans Tea Party numbskulls are poised to shut down the Capital, for their own agendas –supporting the wealthy elitist. On the other, democracy only works if everyone is involved in what goes on –the process of governing a country. Unfortunately, by today's standards America has become a country of individualists.)


Thank you.



You don't mean to get political but you're going to tell everyone exactly what you think of American politics?


My apologies then, but as Americans that is still one of our inalienable rights. I was merely trying to point out the similarities between todays current events and the game. I am sorry that you took offense. Again, my apologies.

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What hdm said. There really isn't a "best for all" solution, just solutions that may or may not be best for your particular character and who he/she thinks of as "friend." You gotta figure that part out yourself. If I told you the best way to deal with Primm was to wipe out the residents and play nice with the Powder Gangers, you might feel cheated because if you'd solved it another way, you could've gained the ability to trade things at 100% value. See what I mean?
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It's not that I am looking for spoilers. What I am looking for however, is how best to proceed in the game? Do I kill Robert House and proceed on, or do I let him live? Do I side with the NCR and the Great Khans and kill the Ormertas, the White Glove society and Benny's Chairman Idiots; not to mention the Legion? What? This is what I was looking for?!? Personally, as much as I despise Congress and corporate America right now, and despite that, I will most likely side with the NCR that much is a given. I just wanted to get and idea of what the best course of action is. For example, in Dragon Age Origins it was about character building.


The game quests and the options for you are pretty huge in terms of the number of choices. There are I suppose three basic goals in the game: NCR, Vegas, or Legion, but even within those you could break it down further. And there are so many additional decisions of lesser but sometimes related consequence. In many of those cases your chosen faction will make recommendations (or orders) on how to proceed.


If it's your first time playing, go with what your conscience dictates. One thing is for sure, you are not going to be able to please everyone. But if, for example, you like the ideals and society of NCR then here are a couple of tips:


First, go talk to the NCR Ambassador (Crocker) on the New Vegas strip when he sends you the invitation and he will start asking for help in the way of progressive missions. And remember that to House, both NCR and Legion are the enemy -- you can't please them all.


Second, each of the eight standard companions in the game has their own story and some (like Cass, for example) are pro-NCR so they might be good choices since they share your values.


Third, there are a lot of quests and things you could do in this game that you really don't even have to touch to finish. Think of those things as Candy.


That said, aside from NCR, House and Legion there are a bunch of other significant factions (Three Families, Boomers, Khans, Brotherhood of Steel) it would probably be a good idea to wait and see what your own faction leader has to say about those lesser factions before dealing with them one way or another.


The hardest thing to me about finishing the game I first played Independant Vegas and tried to make as many people happy as I could but the end result was crap and nearly everyone had an unhappy ending, except Goodsprings thank goodness.

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Please keep political rants out of the Games section, As that tends to bring out the people who cannot help themselves from replying and completely derailing a topic. If you don't stay on topic and insist on arguing politics, I will shut it down, along with possible strikes and bans.

Bben46, Moderator

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Please keep political rants out of the Games section, As that tends to bring out the people who cannot help themselves from replying and completely derailing a topic. If you don't stay on topic and insist on arguing politics, I will shut it down, along with possible strikes and bans.

Bben46, Moderator



What, my apology wasn't enough? Go figure!

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Easy Jallard. I don't think it was meant personally. Merely as a reminder to all of us to keep from discussing the more sensitive topics. Some people might read only half a thread and get hotheaded about a single post, without seeing what lead to- and from it.

(I know this could be written more elegantly, but english isn't my native tongue :confused:)

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