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Hi all!


Micro managing Companions; Yuk:


I have to say that I like Fallout New Vegas more than I liked Fallout 3. Although, in Fallout 3 –with mods added—there were some mods that I really enjoyed such as with the Aphrodite outfit for type 3 bodies. Then again, I had my main female character running around the waste in barely any clothing. (Call me a pervert, I don't care.) However, by the same token I didn't really enjoy the ending since the main character dies, albeit for good intentional reasons.


I love playing Fallout New Vegas just as much as I played Dragon Age Origins every day since it came out in 2009; (although, I don't play it and more). The one thing that gets me in all RPG games with companions is that they don't ever give you enough space to breathe. For example, when in a room they congregate right at the door. The never really enter a room. So, when your character tries to leave and exit, the companions are in your way and won't budge—unless you push them out of the way. So, in that regard it is somewhat pointless to have a companion ready hideout or living space. They won't use it.


With that all being said, does anyone else have any pet peeves about the game that they would like to share? Thanks.



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1) point blank shots to the heads of sleeping NPCs shouls ALWAYS = death no ifs ands or buts i dont care what level you are on



2 ) dead bodies should ALWAYS be replaced by skeletons after 3 or 4 days to a week



3) NPCs should NEVER be able to run or move faster then the PC can when you are fully healthy and carry weights are equal




4) side quests should get map markers or at least better more clear directions for them as well

Edited by webster63
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1) Point blank head shots should always kill unless they're wearing a power helmet.

2) Dead bodies should never vanish and the character must never respawn. The only exception is assasinations inside public areas in which the body should be dumped in a graveyard.

3) NPCs should always be able to run faster than the pc when they have a higher agility and are carrying less weight.

4)The players should never be used as beta-testers

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1: No automatic updates. Please be polite and ask first!

2: I'd like to go prone, not just crouch. In FO 1 and 2 it did not matter. But this is a different sort of gameplay.

3: When you can see the head in the middle of the crosshairs, you should not hit the rock hiding the rest of your target.

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1: No automatic updates. Please be polite and ask first!

2: I'd like to go prone, not just crouch. In FO 1 and 2 it did not matter. But this is a different sort of gameplay.

3: When you can see the head in the middle of the crosshairs, you should not hit the rock hiding the rest of your target.


I concur on all three points.

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Things that would reduce much tedium from the game for me:



1. Being able to communicate with companions (i.e. Open the Wheel) without having to target them. Radio has been around since approximately the start of the 20th century, and what year is it now??? So lets all get comlinks to open those companion wheels. You could always disable trading items if the distance is too great.



2. VATS range, accuracy and AP recovery should more closely match the real-time interface. I can headshot and kill a Deathclaw with a scoped weapon from three mountain ranges over when my skill is 20ish, but using VATS with 100 weapon skill and all the perks I can muster I am not even close to being in range of the target with VATS. If target list processing by pressing V is an issue for the game if the range becomes to big then maybe being able to transition into VATS directly from the scope view, with the list containing only those targets that are visible in the scope, would be a alternative -- it's logical I'm probably going to try to shoot something I'm looking at. And as for AP recovery if you measure it in game time it takes minutes to recharge your AP: it does not make sense and it's not fun.



3. Let me fast travel anytime and just have the game clock take into account I'm moving slow due to being overloaded because I nearly always am. I know there are some helpful perks but who wants to spend precious level rewards on those? Not being able to run is a time penalty enough when I'm four or five levels down in a dungeon and have to walk back to the surface. Or perhaps make those perks earnable in other ways after I've sold a lot of goods or walked far enough while overloaded. Sure one may argue I could use the existing perks but when you compare the importance of skill points and perks for other things its a steep price to pay especially when its game enjoyability at stake. I see nothing "unrealistic" about fast travel when overburdened if the game clock accounts for it.



Well, I'll leave off at three :)




Edited by drakeelvin
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I really hate it whenever my companion makes a kill, for some reason my characters get's turned around facing the direction of my companion. It's so disorienting! Especially while running. I wish I knew why the devs did this!


I notice that too. I would be so engrossed in the game working my way along a cavern, a corridor or whatever and just when I am about to do something --albeit crack a computer, turn a lock, or fire on some enemy, my companion(s) gets a kills and I am suddenly facing them instead of pursuing my intentional goal. It actually pisses me off every time that happens.

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