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Pet Peeves


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Legion is not blatantly evil, infact the game plays it very well to how it would be IMO. Propaganda campaigns by house, and the NCR would color the legion as demonic baby killers, in addition to their strict discipline and old world ethics. Then top all that off with the fact that your only dealing with the Legion military, in any game, and in real life, when you deal with a military force you are going to see 90% aggression, trash talk, looking down the nose at behavior. Military personal are not designed for public relations.
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Legion is not blatantly evil, infact the game plays it very well to how it would be IMO. Propaganda campaigns by house, and the NCR would color the legion as demonic baby killers, in addition to their strict discipline and old world ethics. Then top all that off with the fact that your only dealing with the Legion military, in any game, and in real life, when you deal with a military force you are going to see 90% aggression, trash talk, looking down the nose at behavior. Military personal are not designed for public relations.


Kinda like the Tea Party and the TSA in real life, huh?!? If such a thing were to occur in real life there would be total anarchy throughout the entire world. No one would be safe. Insane fanatics would crawl out of the woodwork spouting their just cause and righteous behavior: and, sadly enough many people would blindly follow. Oddly enough it is happening now as we speak. But, I digress. I should not speak of this further or I will bring the wrath of a monerator down upon me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Legion is not blatantly evil, infact the game plays it very well to how it would be IMO. Propaganda campaigns by house, and the NCR would color the legion as demonic baby killers, in addition to their strict discipline and old world ethics. Then top all that off with the fact that your only dealing with the Legion military, in any game, and in real life, when you deal with a military force you are going to see 90% aggression, trash talk, looking down the nose at behavior. Military personal are not designed for public relations.


well tell that to thepeople of nipton lol


granted i think the way the legion is portrayed is very reasonable to being realistic in that environment but they are ruthless SOBs wether you call them the evil word or not

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The legion is clearly portrayed as the bad guy.


There isn't much choice to make if your a good character. The legion is sexist, tortures people, and every single person in it is just bad.


The legion shouldn't of been sexist, and it should of been more based on Rome.

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  • 3 years later...

Legion is not blatantly evil, infact the game plays it very well to how it would be IMO. Propaganda campaigns by house, and the NCR would color the legion as demonic baby killers, in addition to their strict discipline and old world ethics. Then top all that off with the fact that your only dealing with the Legion military, in any game, and in real life, when you deal with a military force you are going to see 90% aggression, trash talk, looking down the nose at behavior. Military personal are not designed for public relations.


Mass murdering slavers that set fire to unsuccessful generals aren't blatantly evil? Nice to know you'd have picked to follow Flagg had you ended up in "The Stand".



As to pet peeves:


Npcs sidestepping faster than a bullet.


Very bad collision meshing. How the heck a counter or rock with a good six inches of clearence from my barrel blocks a shot (and leaves mid air impact stickers), I'll never understand. It did happen in FO3 as well but not with every object!


Companions jumping in front of bullets, or moving behind you and firing into the back of your head to get the enemy they had a clear shot at before moving.


Enemies always firing with max skill VATS precision even while both arms and head are crippled.


Not being able to fast travel to the door of a cleared/friendly building/interior. Especially with some of the labyrinthine locations.


Legion assassin squads every 6 hours game-time in the Wasteland, it's worse than the Talon Company hit-squads!


Radio stutter!


No form of "headphone" option for your pipboy radio, to keep it from alerting enemies.


The emptiness of the wasteland, compared to FO3 it feels even more abandoned, which makes no sense with food growing all over and easy clean water supplies.


The extreme number of boarded up intact houses.


The tiny worldspace. Despite taking place in an area vastly larger (it is at least 10 times the real world amount of area) irl than the Capital Wasteland the Mojave Wasteland is about a third the size in-game east-west(tested this by walking north-south east-west to the borders of both games).

Edited by greenknightfury
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