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Useful Python Scripts for Blender


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I have written a few small Python scripts to import/export animation data to/from a text file. Useful if you generate animation data instead of using Blender's cumbersome Transform Properties.


Anyone interested?

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The loop tool one looks so handy! Thanks.


Yea fore, Im gonna be trying to animate my guy the old fashioned way but u might as well post the script :D


Here is a site with some useful blender scripts. I use geom tool and uv tool a lot and theres 2 other ones also.

Geom tool and other scripts


I think it is cumbersome to position the constraint pivots. I wonder if there is a script for that or some other way to get the desired position from 3d cursor.

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Yea fore, Im gonna be trying to animate my guy the old fashioned way but u might as well post the script :D


Ehhhm..... but how should I post that? These are 3 scripts with a total o 150 lines. Post as code snippet's here? I don't think it should be a mod file ....

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use the [ code ] tags in conjunction with the [ spoiler ] tags.





Name: 'Empty mesh'
Blender: 243
Group: 'AddMesh'
import BPyAddMesh
import Blender

def main():
BPyAddMesh.add_mesh_simple('EmptyMesh', [], [], [])



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Thanks, baduk and LHammonds :thumbsup:


Here are my Python scripts (partially based on the Nif Scripts). I use them to import/export and analyze animation key data, mainly for the OP (breast bones). This way I can design and manage the animation data outside of Blender (in a spread sheet).


Import animation key data from a text file. Key data is sorted by frames and has the following format:

<frame>,<bone name>,<x-loc>,<y-loc>,<z-loc>,<x-rot>,<y-rot>,<z-rot>



Name: '0_My_Import_KeyData'
Blender: 249
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import Anim Key Data'
import Blender
from Blender import Armature, Mathutils

# Imports animation key data from a text file. Key data is sorted and has the following format:
# <frame>,<bone name>,<x-loc>,<y-loc>,<z-loc>,<x-rot>,<y-rot>,<z-rot>
# e.g.
# 3,Bip01 Op1.R,0.01,0.12,0.12, 4, 3, 0
# All bones get the Bip01 priority
# Note: Remove imported bones in action list before running this script

def set_keys():
arm = Blender.Object.Get('Scene Root')
mypose = arm.getPose()
f = open('A:\key_data.txt', 'r')					###### file with import data ######

# define string with priority constraint (Bip01 priority)	
prio = "priority:50"
for bonename, bone in ( mypose.bones.items() ):
	if bonename == "Bip01":
		for constr in bone.constraints:
			if constr.type == Blender.Constraint.Type.NULL and constr.name[:9] == "priority:":
				prio = constr.name
print "OP %s" % prio

# read import lines
for line in f:
	kdata = line.split(',')
	pbone = mypose.bones[kdata[1]]
	# frame 1: define bone and set priority
	if int(kdata[0]) == 1:
		pbone.localMatrix = Blender.Mathutils.Matrix().identity().resize4x4()
		priorityconstr = None
		for constr in pbone.constraints:
			if constr.type == Blender.Constraint.Type.NULL and constr.name[:9] == "priority:":
				priorityconstr = constr
		if not priorityconstr:
			priorityconstr = pbone.constraints.append(Blender.Constraint.Type.NULL)
		priorityconstr.name = prio
	# set loc and rot, and insert key
	pbone.loc = Blender.Mathutils.Vector(float(kdata[2]),float(kdata[3]),float(kdata[4]))
	pbone.quat = Blender.Mathutils.Euler(float(kdata[5]), float(kdata[6]), float(kdata[7])).toQuat()
	pbone.insertKey(arm, int(kdata[0]), [blender.Object.Pose.ROT, Blender.Object.Pose.LOC])




Export animation key data into a text file.



Name: '01_My_Export__KeyData'
Blender: 249
Group: 'Export'
Tooltip: 'Export Anim Key Data'
import Blender
import bpy
from Blender import Armature, Mathutils, Ipo

# Exports animation key data into a text file. Key data has the following format
# <frame>,<bone name>,<x-loc>,<y-loc>,<z-loc>,<x-rot>,<y-rot>,<z-rot>

def get_keys():
f = open('A:\_EXPORT_keys.txt', 'w')					###### file for export data ######
arm = Blender.Object.Get('Scene Root')
mypose = arm.getPose()
bones_ipo = arm.getAction().getAllChannelIpos()
keydata = []

# iterate through all interesting bones
for bone in ( 'Bip01 Op1.R', 'Bip01 Op1.L', 'Bip01 Op2.R', 'Bip01 Op2.L' ):
#	for bone, bonename in ( mypose.bones.items() ):
#	for bone in ( 'Bip01 Head', 'Bip01 Hand.L', 'Bip01 Hand.R', 'Bip01 UpperArm.L', 'Bip01 UpperArm.R', 'Bip01 ForearmTwist.L', 'Bip01 ForearmTwist.R', \
#		'Bip01 UpperArmTwist.L', 'Bip01 UpperArmTwist.R', 'Bip01 Forearm.L', 'Bip01 Forearm.R', 'Bip01 Spine', 'Bip01 Spine1', 'Bip01 Spine2', 'Bip01 Clavicle.L', 'Bip01 Clavicle.R' ):
	ipo = bones_ipo[bone]
	ipo_curves = ipo.curveConsts.values()
	maxframe = 0
	# read translation data from ipo(s) and add to key data
	for curve in ipo_curves:
		if ipo[curve] is None:
#				print >> f, "NOT a curve"
		for btriple in ipo[curve].bezierPoints:
			frame = int(btriple.pt[0])
			maxframe = frame
			Blender.Set('curframe', frame)
			ploc = mypose.bones[bone].loc
			x1 = ploc[0]
			y1 = ploc[1]
			z1 = ploc[2]
			myRot = mypose.bones[bone].quat.toEuler()
			rx = myRot[0]
			ry = myRot[1]
			rz = myRot[2]
			s = "%3d,%s,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f" % (frame,bone,x1,y1,z1,rx,ry,rz)

# sort selected keydata and export
for i in keydata: 

for line in keydata:
	print >> f, line




Export "worldspace" location data, i.e. location relative to the scene, into a text file. This allows to read the body movement at the place of the bone



Name: '03_My_Export_WorldLocation'
Blender: 249
Group: 'Export'
Tooltip: 'Bone World Location'
import Blender
import bpy
from Blender import Armature, Mathutils, Ipo

# Exports "worldspace" location data (i.e. location relative to the scene) into a text file
# Key data has the following format
# <frame>;<bone name>;<x-loc>;<y-loc>;<z-loc>

def get_keys():
f = open('A:\_EXPORT_keys3.txt', 'w')					###### file for export data ######
arm = Blender.Object.Get('Scene Root')

exp_scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
exp_con = exp_scn.getRenderingContext()
last_frame = Blender.Draw.Create(exp_con.endFrame())

frame = 1
# iterate through all frames
while frame <= last_frame.val:
	Blender.Set('curframe', frame)
	mypose = arm.getPose()	
	wo_matrix = arm.getMatrix("worldspace")
	# iterate through interesting bones
	for bone in ( 'Bip01 Op1.R', 'Bip01 Op1.L'):
#		for bone in ( 'Bip02 Pelvis', 'Bip02 Spine'):

#The total transformation of this PoseBone including constraints.
#This matrix is in armature space, for the current worldspace location of this pose bone, multiply it with its objects worldspace matrix.
#eg. pose_bone.poseMatrix * object.matrixWorld

		pmat=mypose.bones[bone].poseMatrix * wo_matrix
		wloc = pmat.translationPart()
		x2 = wloc[0]
		y2 = wloc[1]
		z2 = wloc[2]
		ploc = mypose.bones[bone].loc
		x1 = ploc[0]
		y1 = ploc[1]
		z1 = ploc[2]
		print >> f, "%d; %s; %.4f; %.4f; %.4f" % (frame,bone,x2,y2,z2)
	frame += 1



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