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Starting My Oblivion New


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its few years past since i last put a mod in to my oblivion but after skyrim trialer i kinda wanted to play it again.

now there are a lot new mods with more difficult scripts and installing procedure :(

for exampe TNR (tamriels npcs revamed) requires Wrye Bash, though OBMM can load it aswell without problems.

whats the big difference between those 2 ? are there mods i can only install with OBMM or Wrye and if what do i do with mods that are loaded with only the opposite.


+ how does archive invalidation works properly. i read about it. atm works. but it says i have to do it after each texture mod installed.

does it mean like mod installed > archive invalid. > mod installed > archive invalid. or can i just put my texture mods all in and before i start the game just do the archive invalidation ???


+ i loaded some very good mods i knew before like quarls texture pack and all sorts of those ( i like game changing mods) . it would be nice if somebody could tell me some of such mods that you cherish yourself and install every time you play oblivion.

for example atm i have Spell Charging which is very interesting and makes the gameplay even more awesome

ofc. quarls texture pack / all naturla / inner lights / some NPC changes with sexy walks etc. DEADLY REFLEX has updated in last 3 years f***ing awesome yea !

so tell me of some mods you think i should get aswell

( mods i installed till nao are from all sections first pages of Downloads > desc so i dont have all the new good mods )

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Install Archive Invalidation Invalidated and you'll never have to worry about Archive Invalidation stuff anymore. Some of the mods I always use:


DarNified UI (Shrinks the size of the UI)

Harvest Flora (When you harvest plants, the graphics change so you can tell)


Robert's Male Bodies

Denock Arrows

Alternative Start (No going through the dungeon/tutorial)

Ahtata's Arquamer Race (Changes Argonians from lizards to a totally different look)

Natural Water by Max Tael

No Psychic Guards (a MUST, IMO)

Get Your Arrows Back

Colourwheel's Sexy Imperial Legion

Colourwheel's Sexy Female NPC's

Nighteye Shader Replacement (Changes default green nighteye to your choice - I use "brighter")


I use more, of course, but those are the ones I'd use in just about any game I played. Currently using Francesco's Leveled Creatures mod, which seems pretty good.



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i installed screen effects

(http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16323) the mod is just awesome.

but my problem is. the the effects are far to extreme T_T it washes out and glooms anything that im not looking at or that is farther then few meters of me.

after 25 minutes gameplay my eyes start to hurt.

and even if the PC is not overworked i lost a few fps. not that i cant play or it lags. you just notice the game is not "flowing"

anyways i can disable some of the Screen Effects features. didnt found anything in the readme.txt

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another question to the prior ones is.

is there any tool or possiblity to find out what mods have collisions on each other and crash my game ?

+ today i installed BBB and sexy walk etc. the full package.

at first as i installed the mod and sexy walk n stuff teh BBB body was showing naked / in cloth with huge bewbs. now after i installed more mods. i have standart small breasts and ass on my char. what could possibly do that ?dont seem to have any other mods for another body mesh. :*(

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I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I think Wrye Bash is the conflict finding tool. I've found that the order I install replacer mods is very important. I look at the directory structure and files of a replacer and what will be replaced in my Oblivion installation long before starting a mod install. That way I know what to backup and then restore after I've installed the newest mod to get things back the way I like them. Because I install most everything manually I need to do all the work. There are tools like BAIN that take care of some of this ... I've not explored that path yet.


If you can figure out what files got overwritten (by looking at the files a mod installed and where they were installed vs the order you installed them) you may be able to get things back. That may lead to more problems ... use this advice at your own risk. I'm used to tinkering and back tracking when I mess up ... your mileage may vary.

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was pushed do uninstall the game and delete mods again :*(

about the load order: ive put bbb at the very end and double checked for any other body mods.

after that when i went in to the game the body mesh was neither the naked one neither the BBB it looked like it had no meshes and was like made of wood / plastic or something. though putting some "cloth" ( the one you get from mythic dawn at the beginnning ) made me look BBB again ( probably because teh replacer mod had it still working)


well i install everything new again T_T

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this time i was smarter and copied my data before installiing any mods i wasnt so sure about -.-

my game starts crashing at Deadly Reflex.

i dont see why, didnt installed anything that could colide with DR even in slightest way :(

i also installed teh requirements and looked out for the load order.

as stated that the textures of BBB disappeared is also deadly reflex cause it seems.

disappeared instantly again. got no idea why -.-


*i just tested it out - to be exat game crashes when i throw a weapon and kill somebody with DR and then try to loot the person.*


*another revelation - turning DR off makes my chicks body mesh look like shes of wood/plastic*


should i perhaps not use DR 6 ???

Edited by pussyranger
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