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So how does this build look?

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The wireless adapter is the only problem as it's out of stock (recommend a different one?), but the rest of it looks pretty solid, right? Also, on the subject of wireless adapter, how the hell does the internet work when I'm building a computer. I don't even know. This list was given to me by somebody else.

Some help needed, I'm a complete noob. I'm looking to be able to at least play Skyrim, with or without high-end graphics. Anything is an improvement over this old piece of slag. Not looking for THE most amazing computer, just something that'll help me along for a while.

Edited by DrunkenGamer
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maybe add a second hd and run it in raid? that will speed it up a good bit so ive been told, and i can personally recomend the EVGA gtx 580 ftw hydrocopper2 video cards they are epically overpowered. Edited by Bloodplague
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maybe add a second hd and run it in raid? that will speed it up a good bit so ive been told, and i can personally recomend the EVGA gtx 580 ftw hydrocopper2 video cards they are epically overpowered.


But you MUST have a watercooling kit, as there is no fan whatsoever. But dear GOD it is sexy.



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Will do guys. Thanks for the advice.

And yeah I just saw that the motherboard is out, too.


I know about the case, and I already looked at a couple. I can get that here easily, I just need to order the parts.

Monitor is the same issue.


Also, it's probably a better idea to get somebody to build this for me rather than try myself, right?

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