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So how does this build look?

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Is there a real reason to go wireless......just asking as it is a b/g band unit, you may want to look at a n band capable unit depending on the wireless router that you plan on attaching to.


Additionally wired Ethernet connections are actually faster than wireless and depending on your router configurations are more secure generally. So if possible always go with a wired connection.


Just some advice, as for a wireless adapter....there are several, I like ones that use the high speed usb ports and are n band and wps enabled. Hey it is what I actually do for a living..



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Yep almost all motherboards [new ones]have a built in ethernet adapter, if you have an older rig, you can get an inexpensive nic card [mid range] for under 20.


I looked at the tech specs of the mobo, and noticed it had a built in.


Micky aka Buddah

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Also, it's probably a better idea to get somebody to build this for me rather than try myself, right?


How good are you at following directions?


Most new Motherboards come with directions on how to install most components. If you think you can, do it yourself, great learning experience.


Also, you will need a valid copy of an operating system, I assume you have it already, but hate to have you forget it.

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