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Running through some bugs in fallout 3?


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ok, it appears as though your concerned more of using f8 with casm thus by passing it's normal use, quick saves f8 are from a normal game.


casm is designed to take this part off your hands, only it's more like an assembly line, you won't have a choice as to how many saves are made.


quick saving your self defeats the purpose of the automated design.


this is a conflicted interest. 4 yeas worth of discussions will not change how the game works. It's a known problem with fallout 3.


casm was to remove this problem. That's why it was made, so there is a compounded instance of misunderstanding taking place here.


you decide what you want..as from what I gather , you can't have both....not with out faults...and faults are bad. we don't want bad.


[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
That is the load order used by every one and every thing to make things line up.
any other way then things don't line up. What you may find over time are mods that have these names in them out of order, know that the order within them will cause problems down the road as the game progresses.
ok. once you get a good game going and want to see how it works live while it's hot...install WMK's mod but DO NOT install fose..Go against the grain and feel the pain...it's the only way Ican show you how the game works while it's running.
The key word here is "running" as in scripts the game uses are always running.
WMK will physically Hault the games operations due to that nag messaging thing Reinforcing you to install fose, you can not play WMK's mod with out fose being active. IT will remind you like a dog chewing on your leg.
That thing will spam the game until you the user complies with the instructions. every time you push ok you might think cool, I can keep playing the game.....30 seconds later, again, you get slammed with spam.
The only way I know how to teach you how it works is show you how it works.
casm is the opposite. it's built on a difernt scale, IF fose IS not installed, you get spammed once and only once..then no more.
and it still works as intended.
So, you have doubts, do as I said, test these things for your self and simply see it happen. Once you see it and wrap your mind around it, you will understand a great deal more about how it all works...better or worse are set the conditions of belief in your mind...is better to show you first hand.
  1. Fallout 3 installed,
  2. DLC packages installed
  3. DLC's wrapped up tight into clean 7zip archive for later use.
  4. zip put away for safe keeping.
  5. delete all DLC content
  6. zip up remains FO3 data...DATA folder only.
  7. put away that archive for safe keeping.
  8. uninstall Fo3 Entirely...keeping good vanilla saved files.
  9. install FO3
  10. Run it's launcher
  11. Establish afresh game sets.
  12. Make sure no funny business is going on.
  13. Once this is done, Now you can mod your head off, go crazy ! does not matter.
  14. IF steam...at this point in time you will need to have steam refresh your game files.
  15. If you bought GOTY, Steam will replace the missing assets you removed by hand.."DLC Contents."
  16. Run the game launcher after this very stage you untick all file and close the launcher, then reopen it, Fallout3.esm should be the only one ticked, you now tick each DLC in the correct order "Known" to be correct..set and play directly from the game launcher .current Vanilla saved game will now work correctly and spam the DLC's count while in game..5 minutes later you now have a clean established GOTY Fo3 game...you hard save that game and exit.
  17. now install what ever mod manager you intend to use, I don't care what it is because by hand you have established by your self a known to be good game, IF the manager screws up this "established clean game" then you can point fingers Not until.

No modding tools come with any game...there fore...Ignore testaments until you have established a good game...

What came with the game has Prescience over any and all.

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ok, it appears as though your concerned more of using f8 with casm thus by passing it's normal use, quick saves f8 are from a normal game.


casm is designed to take this part off your hands, only it's more like an assembly line, you won't have a choice as to how many saves are made.


quick saving your self defeats the purpose of the automated design.


this is a conflicted interest. 4 yeas worth of discussions will not change how the game works. It's a known problem with fallout 3.


casm was to remove this problem. That's why it was made, so there is a compounded instance of misunderstanding taking place here.


you decide what you want..as from what I gather , you can't have both....not with out faults...and faults are bad. we don't want bad.


[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
That is the load order used by every one and every thing to make things line up.
any other way then things don't line up. What you may find over time are mods that have these names in them out of order, know that the order within them will cause problems down the road as the game progresses.
ok. once you get a good game going and want to see how it works live while it's hot...install WMK's mod but DO NOT install fose..Go against the grain and feel the pain...it's the only way Ican show you how the game works while it's running.
The key word here is "running" as in scripts the game uses are always running.
WMK will physically Hault the games operations due to that nag messaging thing Reinforcing you to install fose, you can not play WMK's mod with out fose being active. IT will remind you like a dog chewing on your leg.
That thing will spam the game until you the user complies with the instructions. every time you push ok you might think cool, I can keep playing the game.....30 seconds later, again, you get slammed with spam.
The only way I know how to teach you how it works is show you how it works.
casm is the opposite. it's built on a difernt scale, IF fose IS not installed, you get spammed once and only once..then no more.
and it still works as intended.
So, you have doubts, do as I said, test these things for your self and simply see it happen. Once you see it and wrap your mind around it, you will understand a great deal more about how it all works...better or worse are set the conditions of belief in your mind...is better to show you first hand.
  1. Fallout 3 installed,
  2. DLC packages installed
  3. DLC's wrapped up tight into clean 7zip archive for later use.
  4. zip put away for safe keeping.
  5. delete all DLC content
  6. zip up remains FO3 data...DATA folder only.
  7. put away that archive for safe keeping.
  8. uninstall Fo3 Entirely...keeping good vanilla saved files.
  9. install FO3
  10. Run it's launcher
  11. Establish afresh game sets.
  12. Make sure no funny business is going on.
  13. Once this is done, Now you can mod your head off, go crazy ! does not matter.
  14. IF steam...at this point in time you will need to have steam refresh your game files.
  15. If you bought GOTY, Steam will replace the missing assets you removed by hand.."DLC Contents."
  16. Run the game launcher after this very stage you untick all file and close the launcher, then reopen it, Fallout3.esm should be the only one ticked, you now tick each DLC in the correct order "Known" to be correct..set and play directly from the game launcher .current Vanilla saved game will now work correctly and spam the DLC's count while in game..5 minutes later you now have a clean established GOTY Fo3 game...you hard save that game and exit.
  17. now install what ever mod manager you intend to use, I don't care what it is because by hand you have established by your self a known to be good game, IF the manager screws up this "established clean game" then you can point fingers Not until.

No modding tools come with any game...there fore...Ignore testaments until you have established a good game...

What came with the game has Prescience over any and all.


So when I zip them up, just choose a directory to store the zipped files and thats it?


Where would the dlc files be so I can zip them up? are they located in the data folder as .esm files?


So should I create save states that I've previously played and save those states again without mods? Then do I have to delete the modded ones?


So steam will replace those dlcs themselves since I have goty edition?

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So when I zip them up, just choose a directory to store the zipped files and thats it?

correct, you save these for later "IF you intend to use a more sophisticated mod manager like Mod Organizer", this gives you That foresight I speak of, knowledge of the future in your hands...waiting to be exploited VIA MO, not cluttering up your games data folder with Junk.


with that comes study when you progress to a point of understanding how it all works...with knowledge comes "POWER"


Where would the dlc files be so I can zip them up? are they located in the data folder as .esm files?




So should I create save states that I've previously played and save those states again without mods?



Then do I have to delete the modded ones?

Correct: reason here is due to problems thus discussed already so why keep problem files known to be bad?

The answer is simple. "NO", discard bad files, you can't possibly fix.


So steam will replace those dlcs themselves since I have goty edition?


Correct: Tab is local files, check file integrity, you run this twice, and watch how it all works...don't forget to reboot afterwards, so the entries are placed into the systems registry correctly.

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So when I zip them up, just choose a directory to store the zipped files and thats it?

correct, you save these for later "IF you intend to use a more sophisticated mod manager like Mod Organizer", this gives you That foresight I speak of, knowledge of the future in your hands...waiting to be exploited VIA MO, not cluttering up your games data folder with Junk.


with that comes study when you progress to a point of understanding how it all works...with knowledge comes "POWER"


Where would the dlc files be so I can zip them up? are they located in the data folder as .esm files?




So should I create save states that I've previously played and save those states again without mods?



Then do I have to delete the modded ones?

Correct: reason here is due to problems thus discussed already so why keep problem files known to be bad?

The answer is simple. "NO", discard bad files, you can't possibly fix.


So steam will replace those dlcs themselves since I have goty edition?


Correct: Tab is local files, check file integrity, you run this twice, and watch how it all works...don't forget to reboot afterwards, so the entries are placed into the systems registry correctly.


Ok so delete the modded files and create the vanilla ones before uninstalling fallout 3 correct?


When you say check file integrity, you mean sfc/scannow or the ccleaner method?


Also after establishing a clean fallout game, should I still use NMM, fose?

Edited by lv1234
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Ok so delete the modded files and create the vanilla ones before uninstalling fallout 3 correct?

If the current set up exhibits faults? then no, you delete the modded ones now and do not create new ones on a game that exhibits faults?

no logically sound items so far posted...you need to understand things as written...I can not explain this any other way.


IF the current game has faults, discard every thing.

I posted the directions to obtain clean data.

The only thing here that is totally out of my control are your downloads, and updates from your ISP..that I have no control over, this means you do need to think and study the data. Steam is not 100% reliable but it's better than guess work and it is the correct and only method that should be used here.


When you say check file integrity, you mean sfc/scannow or the ccleaner method?

Ok, I'll up load a screening for you...that' just wrong.

This is for another game but it is already uploaded and it still applies to all games, look at it.


you pick "choice preferred"


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Ok so delete the modded files and create the vanilla ones before uninstalling fallout 3 correct?

If the current set up exhibits faults? then no, you delete the modded ones now and do not create new ones on a game that exhibits faults?

no logically sound items so far posted...you need to understand things as written...I can not explain this any other way.


IF the current game has faults, discard every thing.

I posted the directions to obtain clean data.

The only thing here that is totally out of my control are your downloads, and updates from your ISP..that I have no control over, this means you do need to think and study the data. Steam is not 100% reliable but it's better than guess work and it is the correct and only method that should be used here.


When you say check file integrity, you mean sfc/scannow or the ccleaner method?

Ok, I'll up load a screening for you...that' just wrong.

This is for another game but it is already uploaded and it still applies to all games, look at it.


you pick "choice preferred"



Okay will update on my progress

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the order I posted here is precise, take it literally. Exactly as posted...don't go hog wild, please read what i posted


IF you need to redue the whole thing, then you have Choice 1 as well you can use. but the DLC packages at a point in time need to be repackaged up for later use...7zipped up Ultra...reasons for future use.


Fallout 3 by it's self can not be separated from the GOTY edition except by this means.


we are logically Isolating an issue and this requires foresight ,knowing how it all works.

I know GOTY fresh install will be raw if it is completely redone.

with that are just esm's and bsa's clearly labeled.

If there are mods installed and all are installed into the data folder, you have a chance of still having problems...so we need to remove said problems before they occur again.


later on, if Iremeber things, I'll show you some really fantastic methods of modding you really grab ya...he he, I am a mean girl bub....you bet.

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I have built Los Angles ,Washington Northern territory, Oklahoma, Reno-NV, Fransisco, Boise Idaho, and few others from map's quest Google code and some other-neat things.


My mods can't fit here, they are too big and I am not cutting them up just to upload them.

Girls want ta have fun... I do, and it's my way.

But i follow directions from the start, the very beginning places, studio instructions all given priority.


Currently building Bolder city Utah using Unreal s engine, that's on my laptop...75% completed.

3 gig's + so far.

Fallout 3 is an inspiration to me, it beats all the other games as far as I am concerned. I am not a dragon fan so that means just that.

Got a gun, I'm all in.

Got flora's ? I am all in.

Got dark mysterious places? I'm all in.

Got a small problem no one can fix?

I'm your girl, there is nothing we can not solve that's not been done before.

Girls gotta have fun.

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Sending you a file ,VIA PM ,it's a load order control set you will need, this set contains zero NV data, it's 100% fallout 3.

So it's for use with this game only.

and you need fomm ,any version will do. The older the better.


It creates a folder in the games folder called (Install Info) in there is where you place these files at.

I just noticed the updated ones point now to ttw files ? um yeah, not gonna.


stick to this game and solve the bugs. ok.

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