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FNV CTD after launching


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I had major problems with FNV after downloading Dead Money. So I wiped everything clean. Just did a reinstall of FNV and FOMM and FNVSE. So I tried running FNV from the launcher - CRASH.

Tried launching from Steam - CRASH.

Tried launching from FOMM (with no Mods installed) - CRASH.

It worked fine before, am I missing something? Any suggestions because I'm about ready to give up. I'm getting a bit frustrated here. :wallbash:

If anyone can give me any tips I would really appreciate it.

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I'm having the same problem! I just posted a thread similar to this. FOMM isn't detecting NVSE and certain mods for me either. I've never heard of anything like this happening.
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Its weird because everything is just the way I installed it the 1st time and now I can't get past the opening credits before it crashes. I have tried restarting thru steam, validating cache, tried launching FOMM without Mods, I can't explain it and I'm running out of ideas. If you find a fix please post.
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Its weird because everything is just the way I installed it the 1st time and now I can't get past the opening credits before it crashes. I have tried restarting thru steam, validating cache, tried launching FOMM without Mods, I can't explain it and I'm running out of ideas. If you find a fix please post.

I definitely will. It may have something to do with outdated video drivers, but I'm not certain. I'll try a few things and get back to you.

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I just "updated" my video drivers, only to have my laptop completely f**ked over. I was unable to select my native resolution and New Vegas wouldn't even start because Steam failed to initialize the renderer despite changing the resolution to the lowest setting. I had to restore it to an earlier point in time to fix it. I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. Edited by SonDEreix
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I just "updated" my video drivers, only to have my laptop completely f**ked over. I was unable to select my native resolution and New Vegas wouldn't even start because Steam failed to initialize the renderer despite changing the resolution to the lowest setting. I had to restore it to an earlier point in time to fix it. I'm afraid I'm out of ideas.

Try deleting the Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini That apparently solves the problem most of the time. Back them up first.

Edited by SonDEreix
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Here's what I just posted to Dom139, in a disturbingly SIMILAR topic a few threads above......

Sadly, the DLC seems to be causing everyone's problems. More accurately, the DLC combined with the latest patches...and throw in NVSE for those that use it.

Here's what I did. Correct way or not, it worked to get me playing Pre-DLC games again, WITH all the mods I had going.

(I'm sure others with more experience* will argue with all of this)

1. Delete DLC.

2. Delete NVSE.

3. Delete ALL saved games involving DLC. (in Games Folder)

4. Delete both ini. files (in that same Games Folder)


5. Get current NVSE and download it.

6. Wait patiently for the dust to settle.

It won't be too long before you can get an honest to goodness bugfix-patch-remedy-solution.

Good Luck friend!

I would copy this to every current ongoing CTD vs DLC topic (which are probably all the same issue), but that may be misconstrued by moderators as spam. :(

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