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Game Movies Topic


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I was just wondering why gaming Forums have not thought of this yet. Why not create a Games to Movies topic.


Alot of games are made into movies lately. This topic can allmost be off topic in a sense. Here you talk about games that should be made into movies, which actors should play what roles, directors etc, and talk about why certain games should not have been made into movies, or how it can be improved upon.


I have not suggested this to other forums yet, Gamespot for instance, i actually think they will suspend me for some crappy reason for suggesting it.


So well i think it will be a nice option.



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Indeed, you're free to make topics on these forums, so long as they don't break the ToS or anything. :P If you want to be sure of our rules, just check here, and also look at the Terms of Service. So long as your topic doesn't infringe on any of that then you can post it.


Most movie-game tie-ins are doomed to failure but it could be an interesting idea. ;)

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