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Francesco's mod crashes in exterior spacees


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Hi All,


I have just made a fresh install of Oblivion updated to the latest version (1.2.0416) also with SI installed, and only Francesco's Leveled Creatures and Items mod installed, no other mods installed. I have started a new game from the new install and as soon as I exit the sewers and you enter the outdoor landscape the game crashes. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. Any Ideas???


Thx in advance.

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Did your computer ever run Oblivion outside of the sewers?


What do you have for a video solution?


If you don't know you can find the answer in a Dxdiag report: Start (Vista or 7), type in "dxdiag" (without the quotes), save the report to a desktop text file (default).

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Another thing ... is Oblivion installed in the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\...). Un-modded Oblivion will run fine in that location but as soon as you install mods the Microsoft security feature called UAC will cause problems. If you uninstall all your mods and Oblivion runs fine from Program Files (x86) then you have narrowed down the possibilities. Here's a link to bben46's Uninstall/Re-install Guide if you need it.
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Hi again guys,


Thanks for all the ideas. I've been thinking more and I think it may have something to do what what parts of Francesco's mod I have running. If your familiar with it it gives you an option to split up all the additional parts of the mod (.esm and .esp files) when you install it, and I've worked out there is some sort of conflict when I run all 3 .esm files together of the mod but maybe its not necessary to have them all running. I'm still not sure but I'm gonna read up on fFancesco's mod more. I've taken note of the UAC settings but I don't think its this causing probs.

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GAAAAWD I'm stupid...... I believe I need the file that's an extra part to the mod that adds the actual new items and creatures thats almost 500mb which I have not got.... D/L it now....
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