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The latest Unreal engine? I thought I bring this up because some of the games this year might be running the engine. I swear this is not fake.








This is just in the 360 but think of the possibilities in the PC version :woot:


And in other PC news, you can play as a pirate in Risen 2. Yay for pirates (fictional ones of course :thumbsup: ).



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Its all real and will soon be here! :thumbsup:


this is from Gizmodo..


Epic Says This Is What Next-Gen Should Look Like.

Epic Games isn't just showing off the latest improvements to the Unreal Engine 3 at GDC 2011. They're showing us what the next-generation of games should look like


and there are a bunch of screenshots to drool over!...check them all here




all i can say is.....Wow! :woot:

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I know. Not even Skyrim or TW2 can reach this. This might be one of the final upgrades ever! The uncanny valley is decreased and the detail is really high.
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