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Weather - All Natural


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I have finally managed to get Weather All Natural to work. Apparently the problem persists with the archive invalidation, i removed the "Sky" folder from my textures>ran OBMM's archive invalidation and it worked straight after that.


Just a few more things that have been annoying me, could this and this be caused by OBGEv2 Shaders? Also what folders>files could be causing this and this to be misaligned and black? If you know that be great! ... If not then that's fine you've already done a lot to helping me :happy:


And yeah just want to say thanks a heap Hickory, no one else seemed to know about or cared to reply to my thread :happy:

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The first two could definitely be OBGE. The last two I have not seen before. They, too, could be OGBE related. OBGE is not something to use unless yuu really understand it.
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I know but im trying to fully experience Oblivions potential :sweat: .. oh and strangely the 2 last pics i showed you only happened in that particular cave o.O..


Okay now seriously one last absolute thing if you know.. Here I installed Improved Facial Textures and i think that gave it to me.. When i went to uninstall deleting the files i still have it lolz??


Edit: oh my gawd.. i found the problem, it seems so unlikely but it's within the Oblivion.ini :wallbash: the reason why i am getting black circles around the eyes and lines around the jaw is because i set fNearDistance=10.0000 (Original) to fNearDistance=0.0000 (As Deadly Reflex recommends to avoid clipping) how strange but yup that's fixed now..


Thank god for back ups.

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Ah yes sorry that's what i meant :pinch: i accidentally typed it the other way around.


But yeps like i said but the other way around, it screws up the faces :wacko: lolz


Anyway i'll edit my post~

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Hmm nah for some reason it still isn't working i think.. This is inside Castle Skingrad and this is outside Castle Skingrad (Happens everywhere else also..) or is this mod meant to do that o.O?


When i bash patch > Rebuild > Import cells do i also include all the other esps?


The only ones I've ticked are:

All Natural.esp

All Natural - SI.esp

All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp <-- Does this have anything to do causing that problem? (I only import cells not activate in load order)


The other esps i haven't ticked:

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp




If you could shed some light on why it works outside and not inside that be great!

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I am confused. What am I looking at (for) in those two images?


Regarding your Bashed Patch, create it as per the following:




When you press 'Rebuild Patch', make sure that you check the following:


Merge Patches

Import ... [Go through each 'import' option and if there's a mod, not csv in the right window, check it, and the Import... option.]

Cobl Catalogs [ONLY if you use Cobl]

Contents Checker

Leveled Lists

Race Records

SEWorld Tests [ONLY if you have Shivering Isles installed]


The Globals and Tweaks are optional, but should not be checked unless you know what you are doing, and should be left alone while you are troubleshooting. Everything else should be left unchecked UNLESS you know that you need it.









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I am greatful your bearing with me on this.


In those images.. one with and without clouds in the sky, i took the first screenshot inside and went outside to see that the sky was full of clouds, to check again i went back inside it was blank and outside isn't. I find that so strange, is Weather - All Natural supposed to be like that?

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All Natural must have it's Climate records imported into the Bashed Patch, so if you create your Bashed Patch correctly the weather should behave as expected. You should also make sure that you have the very latest version of AN installed, as there was a recent bug with the scripts that got fixed, I believe.
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