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Oblivion crashes...


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As the title says, Oblivion seems to crash when combat starts (although I'm not entirely sure if this is the case). So far, it's crashed four times (from time to time, the game will crash on me, but it usually works just fine afterwards and I continue playing). I'm not sure if the first crash involved combat, but the second crash happened when a bandit detected me. Then the final two crashes happened when I was fighting (or about to fight) a wolf. The game crashed when it detected me, and on the other I fired a spell at it before it detected me and then it crashed.


I don't think I have any mods that alter combat and could be causing it to crash, though I could be wrong. Or it could simply because I have too many mods. If anyone could offer any advice or help me solve this, I'll be so grateful.


Also, here's the load order of my mods in case it has anything to do with conflicts or something...




CM Partners.esm

Kvatch Rebuilt.esm

Cobl Main.esm

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

Book Jackets Oblivion.esp



Kvatch Rebuilt.esp

extavegant masks.esp



Gloria Armor.esp




Retma Dresses.esp



Battle China Dress.esp

Zira's Clydesdale Horses.esp

R18PN - Dancer's Dress.esp

Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp

Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.esp


R18PN - Mina Armor.esp

R18PN - Der tod Armor.esp



R18PN - Eisen Platte Armor.esp





CM Partners.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

CM Partners NPC.esp








Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp


UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp


The Lost Spires.esp

Harvest [Flora].esp

Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp


Princess Cheydinhal House For Sale v1pt1.esp


Cobl Glue.esp

Cobl Si.esp

Cobl Tweaks.esp

Cobl Races.esp

Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp

Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp


Edited by shaklee1
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I'm not much help on mod conflicts myself. Perhaps Hickory can see something ... usually he responds to your type of problem. Perhaps you slipped down the list too far and he missed you. Does it still happen if you load an older save (from before the problem started)?
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Havent tried it yet. I was gonna look into that since I had an older mod or two saved but then again some of those have mods that I cant activate so it might crash anyway. was going to try a new game and see if that work.s I have tried to do the new save thing before and I cant even get past the launcher really. I dont get it. I mean if I had any clue ho w to use boss without disabling that vista component then I'd be fine I dont want to wreck my laptop trying to play this.
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@ paladinultima


Your issue sounds more Vista or Windows 7 UAC related.


Edit: Did you see Hickory's answer on your original thread?

Edited by Striker879
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Thanks for the article bben46. I'll bookmark it for current and future use. :) I was thinking of reverting back to the vanilla Oblivion (while keeping Ren's Beauty Pack since my character uses that. A bit annoying, but I've reinstalled the game/mods quite a few times before) and seeing if that solves the problem. If not, then I'll refer to the article and see if that helps.
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