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bug -- Need help with advancing in guild


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I've played through the game several times and have never had this problem, but I just installed Tribunal and Bloodmoon and this just popped up.


I started a new character and joined a couple guilds and started working my way up. Well, I have finished every possible quest for the fighters guild, sans the last two from the guildmaster or the old guildmaster, but haven't advanced in quite some time. So instead of being a guardian or champion, I'm a warder and have no more quests to do! The old guildmaster and the corrupt guildmaster will not talk to me until I get a higher rank, but I ran out of quests. I have gone through and made sure I have hit every fighters guild and done every quest.


Is there a console command that I can use to advance my character up a rank? I've put several days into this new game and any save files old enough are long gone.


I at a loss on what to do next other than start over.


Thanks for any help,


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Your character will only advance in rank if you meet guild requirements. I suspect a bit of training in their desired skills will enable you to move up through the ranks and then they will give you quests. Have a look at your stats menu and see what it says under Fighter's Guild. It will indicate next level requirement.
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Before going to the cheat....


In your message you said that the higher level trainers would not raise you in rank. Did you try the lower level trainers? Also remember that it is not just your training, but your stats that have to be at a certain level.

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Actually I tried all of the trainers. I was out of quests and I did meet the requirements. I just hit a glich. I ran another character through and it worked fine. Very odd.


It might have been the haphazard way I went to different quest givers rather than just get all the quests from one and move on to the next. I couldn't get the problem to repeat, so I think it was just a freak happening.


Thanks again for the help,


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