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Add two seperate Meshes together


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What you want to do is extract the supermutant body nif from meshes.bsa and also when you have that folder open make a folder in the data folder with the same path.


then extract the stopsign or whatever part u need. then import the supermutant armature and then geometry into blender and then on another layer import the entire stopsign nif at once.


on the stopsign go ahead and delete the collision mesh and editor marker or whatever that empty thing that u get is and have just the geometry mesh. edit it as wanted like removing the signpost or whatever. then move the wanted geometry to the supermutant layer, so if you want to make it like a shield then move it into position on the body.


Now select the supermutant body and look on the button window editing panel, link and materials tab and you can see a vertex groups dropdown menu thingy.


look at the vertex groups. Ok so if you want to make a soft clothing item on the body you can use the bone weight copy script to get the vertices assigned to the needed groups but for a rigid object you will want to choose a more limited set. for example a shield u will probably want to have the entire stopsign assigned to bip01 forearm.L. That way it wont be all bendy in the game.


Select the stopsign and in the link and materials tab for it click on the new vertex group button and type in the name of it. Also you need a bodypart vertex group so when you blow the arm off the shield stays attached to the dismembered arm so add another one called BP_LEFTARM


go into weightpaint mode and just paint all the vertices to 1 for both the vertex groups you added. It should be all red.

Watch out for double vertices cause theres lots of them in vanilla nifs and it can be hard to weightpaint those. Beth was liberal with extra vertices and some but not all of them are helping for smoothing the normals better. You can remove the double vertices in edit mode and redo the smoothing groups or whatever later on.


go ahead and delete the body of the mutie cause all u need is the new geometry part. export that one and make sure to have selected the cloth shader presets button cause it includes shadowmap shader flag that is needed for armature deforming meshes. if you ned the export settings just find a guide for clothing cause any creature body is the same as clothing.


If you get some error about vertices not being assigned go ahead and delete them cause they are just floating ones in the middle of the mesh, lol vanilla meshes.


save the exported nif to the folder you added earlier and in the cs you can create a new creature entry and in the models list select the super mutant and just select your new body addon also.

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*Blinks Eyes Twice* Wow.....sounds like a lot of work just to put a stop sign onto some scrap armour....


I've already extracted the meshes and everything


I've just recently gotten into Blender, so not sure about the Armature, I'll see if theres a simpler way of doing it.

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The art nifs for creatures and armors haev an armature in them that is flattened. Its just a collection of nodes for each bone in the skeleton. This armature in blender needs to be called "Scene Root" And the geometry parts, u know the stuff that you can see in the game needs to be parented to this armature.


There are buttons on the import options that lets u import just the armature or just the geometry and thats what i usually do but i guess you can just have both the buttons off and import them both at the same time. import the body fo the monster first and then look at where the 20 little boxes are on the bottom of the 3d window in object mode. click the second one over to get another layer. It is good to do this for when you import the stopsign cause you will have to delete the parts of the stopsign and u dont want it all mixed up with the objects in the previous nif.


Ok. I try to clarify some parts. I mean when you type the name of the vertex group. you type the name of the bone to be the name of the vertex group. so "bip01 Forearm.L" should be the name of the vertex group. and of course "BP_LEFTARM" for the other vertex group.


dont worry about smoothing groups. or modelling an arm strap or uv mapping it for a custom texture or anything at this point.

It was just rambling sorry. Just get the part you want of the stopsign, go into edit mode and hit a to select all the vertices and then go into mesh > vertices > remove doubles and that will be enough.


It is not a lot of work at all but you have to get used to the process. once you learn the process then it will take you a few minutes to have your customized creature ready to add into your game. OF course at that point you will probably want to do a lot more so you can spend your time on the artistic side of it all :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

add a layer





That's so unfair baduk, you're cheating.

Why didn't you tell me about this! LOL

I totally didn't know you could do that.



You knew I didn't know an you still didn't tell meh...

Shame on you... :o

Oh wait, you just told me, tanks so much zomg...


take cars,



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