DaemonGrin Posted July 29, 2015 Share Posted July 29, 2015 Working on a custom pulse gun to affect a single enemy type. I want to add the creature to playerfaction for 5 seconds (or some other means of pacifying without them falling over like a tard (paralysis)) I don't quite know what variable to use (not using NVSE) to attach the addtofaction and removefromfaction lines. Not sure if I should use the creature ID because not sure if that will pacify all of that creature type in the cell and don't think I should add ref ID's to every single placed creature. scn DGPacifySCRIPT Float Timer Begin ScriptEffectStart ?.AddToFaction PlayerFaction set Timer to 5 end Begin ScriptEffectUpdate If Timer <= 0 ?.RemoveFromFaction PlayerFaction EndIf Set Timer to (Timer - GetSecondsPassed) End Not even sure if this will result in what I want it to do but it seems sound in my head @.@ Thanks,Geoff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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