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generating lod


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I'm trying to generate object lod for another city built over the wasteland, using the original wasteland heightmap. i deleted a bunch of object around where the city is, it takes up a bunch of space. I'm in the process of providing the meshes for the GECK for object lod generation. But when I generate objects one lod file is eluding me from my meshes bsa folder when I'm extracting them to data/meshes. I've looked for this one water_bathub_lod.nif file but it just not there. I have the original water_bathtub.nif file but the extended _lod version does not exist.


I can't find a torrent for a new meshes bsa and when I simply rename the file to _lod it doesnt do squat. Does anyone know how to fix this? How do you I get that one water_bathtub_lod.nif file so I can generate these objects? Or will I just have to delete the object originally, will that permanently delete it from the geck for good?

Edited by 1mjolnir1
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