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Gehenna, no backpack.


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I was surprised to know that there is apparently no mod to take out the annoying backpack on the best melee weapon in the GRA dlc, and was wondering if someone would be so kind to share a blank mesh for the backpack.

I know there are several mods that hide the backpack on the shiskebab, but never it's unique counterpart.


Saddly, I have no access to model editing tools, so I am unable to do it myself. If someone could do this humble and easy request it would be most apreciated. Thanks :) .

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Hmmm it seems like you'd want that tank since you need a supply of gas, but it's your request. It's here. I removed the mesh from the model (both the weapon and the world/go model). I didn't test it though in game. Just overwrite the standard nif (or if it doesn't exist, make the directory and place the nif's in the rar into the directory) as per normal. If your not familiar with the process let me know and if I have time, I'll make a esp/bsa to do it for you automatically.

Gehenna is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\nvdlc05\weapons\1handmelee"

You may need to change part of the path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\) if you have installed your version of steam in a custom location.

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Hmmm it seems like you'd want that tank since you need a supply of gas, but it's your request. It's here. I removed the mesh from the model (both the weapon and the world/go model). I didn't test it though in game. Just overwrite the standard nif (or if it doesn't exist, make the directory and place the nif's in the rar into the directory) as per normal. If your not familiar with the process let me know and if I have time, I'll make a esp/bsa to do it for you automatically.


Gehenna is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\nvdlc05\weapons\1handmelee"


You may need to change part of the path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\) if you have installed your version of steam in a custom location.


Seems to crash the game whenever the weapon is equiped. (or as soon as it's rendered to be precise)

I am not particularly experienced when it comes to meshes/textures, so I can't really say why would it do it.

Edited by Highwayman300
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Seems to crash the game whenever the weapon is equiped. (or as soon as it's rendered to be precise)

I am not particularly experienced when it comes to meshes/textures, so I can't really say why would it do it.

Ah, alas I wanted to take a shortcut and just removed the gas tank's NiTriStrips block in nifskope, because I knew I'd need to fix up the nif (at least special effects, flames) if I imported it into blender (by copying block(s) over from the orginal nif). It was the easy/lazy path. Well looks like I'll have to try and get around to doing it properly if I can find a bit of time tomorrow or later in the week :sad:

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Or you can download NVAC, which takes care of such crashes. In fact, NV being about as stable as a blender full of nitroglycerin anyway, I'd strongly recommend downloading that.


Also, have you tried just ticking the "remove backpack" option in the GECK? Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work when you apply mods to a weapon, but Gehenna isn't moddable without WMX anyway.

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Also, have you tried just ticking the "remove backpack" option in the GECK? Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work when you apply mods to a weapon, but Gehenna isn't moddable without WMX anyway.

Yeah, it already has the "remove backpack" box ticked by default. I'll just have to get off my lazy butt and do a bit of work.

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Weird that deleting the backpack node doesn't work, though. Worked perfectly fine for me before. I mean, my lightsabers are pretty much a re-meshed Shishkebab with the backpack brutally deleted.

Yeah I probably overlooked something simple. Here Highwayman300, try this one.


I just tried the latest one. I did not have a mesh folder for nvdlc05 weapons (it is built into the BSA) so I created one and put the two nifs there. The Ghenna still shows the backpack, and the right hand (where the glove is supposed to be) is invisible.

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