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how to make exploding movable objects?..


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iv recently been honing my texturing skills and come up with a few meshes i really like, one being a propane tank. i was wanting to put a couple different ones in the game and have them explode when someone shoots them.. just like the vehicals in the game. I'v looked all over the geck and just cant find anything.. I know theres a script running spomewhere, but i just cant figure out where it is. I'v googled it, and just cant find any info on the subject.


If anyone knows how to do this process.. or at least point me in the right direction of where to get started it would be greatly appericated...


thanx a ton in advance..



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You need to look at the distraction Data for the models like Cars and the fire extinguishers. This is where you set the destruction stages, explosions and what debris get used after the explosion. You will need to have a destroyed version of your new mesh or it will just disappear after the explosion.


Again look at the forms for



Fire Extinguishers

Electrical boxes

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thanx for the response..!!


yeah.. i was wanting to make sure I could make the explosion happen before i got into building destruced meshes..lol.


Did you mean "Destruction Data" when you said "distraction Data"?.. was that just a a typo or something i havnet heard of yet?.. i looked in the Destuction Data tab and seemed to be the closest iv come yet.. im gonna do a cpl experiments..


Thanx for the info..!!




Dude it worked.. just took the car form and replaced the mesh with my custom mesh and made a new form.. now to build some destructed meshes..

thanx a ton for the info..


i was gonna make 3-4 different versions of some LP/oil tanks and up load them as a modders resorce.. think there could be a market for that? or if people would be interested?..

thanx again..

Edited by Necroflange
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Yep that was just a typo. Auto correct bit me hard. :wallbash:


There is defiantly a market for this, people do like things that explode. :dance: I made enslaved gnomes for a mod that could be shot and destroyed or blow up if you get to close. :woot:


Glad I could help.

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Right on.. ill get to work on it..!!!


i guess my only other question is after the explosion, and the Destruced mesh apperears, how does one go about getting the fire and smoke attach to the destruced mesh?.. i dont think i seen any tabs for that in the destruction data tab..

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I'm not an expert when it comes to making models. Most of what I have done has been mash-up's or trial and a lot of errors but I think your going to have to look at the car model itself. It has DSDamageStage and BSblastNode that I assume control the fire and smoke FX you see in game.


I've mostly made things that explode like the fire extinguishers so no need for the extra fire and smoke.


Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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I might suggest something you could be interested in, I've had thoughts about doing something like this before but I'm so busy with other things most likely never get around to trying. I made up a mesh by cutting down the anesthesia machine to just a gas bottle and I was thinking about giving it destruction stages. The first stage replaces the model with another with an addon node of a jet flame and then see about the tricky process of scripting it so that the bottle takes off like Farcry 2 gas bottles, and then it explodes.

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You been MORE than helpfull dude.. i was just hopeing not to invovle nifskope, but i guess its unavoidable.. it gives me a headache..


that sounds pretty cool mindboggles.. but as you said sounds pretty trickyas well..


im really getting into moddling and textureing right now.. and im certainly not an expert, (i know just enough to be dangerous) mainly iv been making houses, barns and static stuff latley.. but i can do melee weps and clothing too. if you guys need some moddleing help in the future id be glad to help.. just so i can put some of this stuff to use..

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Basically what you'll be needing for your tank is a couple more meshes, one slightly damaged with addon nodes for smoke and flames and then another one for the final destroyed mesh. The game handles swapping them out with the destruction data and you can set the explosion there. Best bet is to do what I always do when in doubt is have a look at vanilla for something similar to what I want.


And yeah get into Nifskope it's pretty powerfull once you get to grips with it. There are some handy tutorials here, http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifTools

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