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How to transfer character items.


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Yeah, this is the Skyrim forum.


I don't know of any mod that does this but a simple but lengthy and boring method is:



1. Not down all the items you have on a piece of paper

2. Start a new game

3. After designing your character and completing the tutorial and stuff open up the console with the tilde key

4. Search for the item you want with the help command e.g searching for a dart would be "help dart 0" the thing you search for is in the middle of the 0 and the help.

5. Now type "player.additem XXXXX A" in which XXXXX is the item ID and A is the number of that item that you want

6. Repeat with more items.



1. Note down you respective skills and perks on a piece of paper

2. Press tilde to open the command console

3. Type in "player.advlevel"

4. Choose your perks and skills



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