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Mad Science!


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It's a good thought, but if I'm honest, I just dislike relying on other people's mods. Good they may be, but I like to do my own work ^_^


That said, looks like a fantastic mod, very holistic and effective sounding.

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these things have a habit of taking off by themselves if they're really good :)

Tell ye-what, if I decide (in a fit of Madness) to remake Mad Science, I'll use your mod as a basis.

Probably won't happen, but you never know.

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Yea.. I think my biggest problem is I am late to the scene. Also released my mods before they where truly awesome so I missed most of my 'initial' publicity.


Thanks! All it would really take is to redo some of the recipes. Mainly it lets you make things more costly to build without worrying about just where the courier is going to find 10+ of some item or running out, since any item of the correct 'material' will do, biased by how much of each material the item contains. (10 tin cans, 3 tin plates or a cheap pistol all contain about the same amount of steel, for example)


I like your idea of breaking down energy weapons into high tech components. I just have 'Electronics parts' and try to leave to the imagination what those mean.


Might be interesting with something like Disassemble Weapon Laser Pistol when your mod is used (requiring high Science and/or Repair? skill), instead of my Breakdown Weapon Laser Pistol (Only low repair skill needed), Resulting in your high tech components that then can be further broken down to 'Electronics parts' if needed.

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Yeah, this is the primary reason I haven't yet released an alpha of my Vault 105 project :P

If I do that, then it won't have remotely the same impact when I release updates...


I like how your mod works, it sounds excellent :)

I sorta figured with mine that most of the energy weapons would have fairly similar sub-assemblies, at least in broad function..I imagine a laser rifle wouldn't have two of the same capacitors as a laser pistol, but maybe the capacitor assembly can be disassembled into the parts to make two of them :P that's sorta my mindset anyway.

The big thing that I had in my mind was that functionally, each of the energy weapons has some of the same parts...

A laser weapon needs a laser capacitor and focusing array, while a plasma weapon needs the laser capacitor to super-heat the plasma, in addition to needing a plasma injector and an accellerator coil.

meanwhile a gauss rifle mostly just needs accellerator coils and a large power capacitor of some sort.

So the shared components can be mixed and matched a bit. the real fun is the question of "what happens when I take the giant power capacitor from a tesla cannon and fit it into a laser weapon?" or "what happens when I put nuka cola in the plasma injector?" XD

These are the questions that Mad Science is there to answer :P

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Deathclaw Mating Pheromones + Horny Male Deathclaw "Attack" = Massive Therapy Issues + Massive Therapy Bills + Many Traumatized Therapists





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I has a question!


What happens when one mixes 15 bottles of Nuka-Cola (any flavor), 5 Tiny Tot Mini-Nukes, a half-dozen .50 MG rounds, a block of C-4, and a round dozen High-Explosive Missiles?

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