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Libyan Civil War


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Your seriously saying Al Qeuda are CIA mercs?

Ofcourse they are. Groups like the Mojāhedin-e khalq and the jundullah' date=' which are operating against Iran, are also CIA backed Al Quaida forces. Look at these [u']Abdolmalek Rigi[/u] Guy, he had CIA connections.


Double Standards with designated terrorist organization -Mujahedin-e Khalq- and Giuliani, Ridge ,Townsend, Mukasey etc


What do you think what "Modern Warfare" means? Tanks and Missiles and Rambo Special Forces killing men with turbans? Modern Warfare means infiltration, false flag Terror and destabilization.

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The CIA helped fund certain terrorist groups to fight communists (look out that turned out for the right) but they are no longer funding these groups since they started attacking america. I don't see how anyone could think the CIA is funding groups that keep attacking us.
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(look out that turned out for the right) but they are no longer funding these groups since they started attacking america.

They couldn't even operate if they would attack their main source for money and intel.


Do you forgot that Anwar al-Awlaki dinned at the Pentagon in within the frame of an outreach program, or do you never known that? Or that Adam Pearlman, a fat jewish kid from california that beat up muslims in front of mosques in the past, produces "Al Quaida" tapes and the Media tells us, that this is the number 2 of Al Quaida?


Listen, they finance groups that attack american people. They dont care about you. They give a f*** about you. Do you think anyone in the oval offices gives a damn about the US Troops that die in iraq or somewhere else?

People think that Ghaddafi, which handed out AKs and RPGs to Civilians, would shoot his citizens with fighter jets, but that the CIA would never ever dare to finance somebody that kills US citizens? What kind of double standart is this?


This isn't about tribal thinking "We or them", this is way more complicate.

Edited by Utyran
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(look out that turned out for the right) but they are no longer funding these groups since they started attacking america.

They couldn't even operate if they would attack their main source for money and intel.


Do you forgot that Anwar al-Awlaki dinned at the Pentagon in within the frame of an outreach program, or do you never known that? Or that Adam Pearlman, a fat jewish kid from california that beat up muslims in front of mosques in the past, produces "Al Quaida" tapes and the Media tells us, that this is the number 2 of Al Quaida?


Listen, they finance groups that attack american people. They dont care about you. They give a f*** about you. Do you think anyone in the oval offices gives a damn about the US Troops that die in iraq or somewhere else?

People think that Ghaddafi, which handed out AKs and RPGs to Civilians, would shoot his citizens with fighter jets, but that the CIA would never ever dare to finance somebody that kills US citizens? What kind of double standart is this?


This isn't about tribal thinking "We or them", this is way more complicate.

They used to finance them, if you show me evidence that they still do I will change my mind.


Adam Pearlman has nothing to do with the CIA by the way. He is not the "number 2 of Al Qeuda" he is supposed to be a commander, not second in charge.

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war is bad mkay and "america" (atleast the minority of the so called elite there) will do all to hinder real democracy in the arab countries for the young people. remember they used to be best buddies with mubarak and his troop in egypt. nowadays the young ppl still demonstrate and have clashes, because the old guys are just not goin. so i dont like that double tounge and morally bankruptcy, that comes with that.


lybia has a lot of rumors about secret service involvement. certain rebell groups (who are islamic extremist) have been financed in the years before by us and they already tried to remove this guy or his regime more then once; be it cheaper oil, more "stability" or whatever.


now again i dont have any proof of what exactly is goin on, but it is almost certainly a chaos. i just hope not to many innocent poeple die, cause the truth is, the country is wealthy and people could have a good time, were there not dictators, who are trying to control it all inside and out.


that means both sides. the groups inside the land and those from outside.


what a shame, that almost nobody seems to be able to talk about the truth.


ps: and yes unfortunately it is true, that the cia funded a lot of terrorgroups. most famously known the rebels in afghanistan, who were goin against the russians back then and fought their helicopters of with stinger missiles,

causing them a lot of pain and anguish.


nowadays they deal with karsai , who is known for doing lots of dealings in drugs. (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/28/eveningnews/main5439648.shtml) this is also something the cia seems to have a long tradition in, when one looks, at what happened in south america. google: cia drugtrafficking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_drug_trafficking)

or salvador allende.




feel democratic much? sad, but yeah, this are things, that also have to be looked at besides the other guys out there and their stuff.

Edited by Nadimos
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@ Jim_UK


"I can't see it happening in the near future, we don't have the resources or the money to acquire them. Also people are sick and tired of pointless wars, not just because of the cost in lives but also the cost in monetary terms. The U.S and E.U have enough problems as it is, we don't need another ground war."



Fair enough, but the long term picture is this, that boat loads of "illegal immigrants" from Africa are flodding into Europe using Libya as their springboard.

This will ultimately cost far more in the long run and the "terror threat" is still very real, can you afford not to be involved ?

Edited by Nintii
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I am sure poeple driving drunk on the streets like crazies

are a bigger threat in our countries, besides our own goverment, who dont seem to know how to regulate spending at all. Immigrants on the other hand, one has to look at what are the conditions in those countries, that make them wanna move so badly in the first place. It is hard to immediatelly know, why these movements are happening and requires a longer look at things. Sustainable solutions are out there for these countries im sure, but one must not be afraid to talk about it and pull that through in order to support those countries locally, instead to for example pull a shell in nigeria, which is much worth then bp in america. That doubletounge does not do people involved any good. And then one has to look at the economic at home aswell. So it is quite interesting and never can be isolated to just one issue.

Edited by Nadimos
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@ Jim_UK


"I can't see it happening in the near future, we don't have the resources or the money to acquire them. Also people are sick and tired of pointless wars, not just because of the cost in lives but also the cost in monetary terms. The U.S and E.U have enough problems as it is, we don't need another ground war."



Fair enough, but the long term picture is this, that boat loads of "illegal immigrants" from Africa are flodding into Europe using Libya as their springboard.

This will ultimately cost far more in the long run and the "terror threat" is still very real, can you afford not to be involved ?


Measures are in place to deal with that and more would be taken if needed, the E.U is in a mess financially and simply cannot afford the billions a land war and occupation would cost. Anyway it's not as if war in Africa is something new or Africa has suddenly moved closer to Europe, we deal with people fleeing Africa every day.

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