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Crashes Before Start Menu

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Okay, another poser for Wrye Flash. I've compiled a little personal folder for all of the different Body Replacers, within it a folder for each Babe, Breeze's, Exnem's, Growlf's, Malo's, Naouak, Nile, Type 3, Type V, and UF3. Why, pray tell, does it only list Type 3 (of which I also have folders for Anthony Ling's line of products and the Bigger Breasts conversions) in the Skipped tab of the Installers tab? I've tried to single them out and add it to the Installer tab that way but it comes up gray, uninstallable.


EDIT: [phlegm]Aha![/phlegm] It would appear that Wrye doesn't understand file hierarchies more in-depth than two folders, excluding folder titles such as meshes, textures, sounds, et cetera. It can see them, obviously because it listed them. I just had to split it up into separate BAINs (Dimonized Type 3, Anthony Ling's)

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