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Oblivion Mods Newbie

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OK. I tried to use 'Steams' instructions to move their file folder. followed their instructions to the tee... and it did'nt work. So, what I did was re-downloaded 'Steam' and installed it into c:/Games folder. Once opened, I logged into my account and it asked me to re-download the 'Oblivion' game. Which is what I'm doing as I write this. Oh, because of their instructions and because I have to re-download game... I have lost the Mod Manager. Soooo.... Now I've re-downloaded it as well. It seems I can't install the Mod Manager until I have downloaded the game {hence, I'm in a waiting game with my DSL provider}.


Now, is there anything else I will need to do to get my mods working for the game? Please send me any advice you can give. I can hardly wait to play this wonderful game {with Mods, of course} on the PC. I have this {piece of art} game for both of my platform game stations (PS3 & XBox360) & love it {love it more on xbox360 at second, hopefully PC will change this}!


Also, if anyone can show me a place to get a tutorial on how to install mods on mod manager.{I now know how to put .rar files in, but not these... .esp and .7z files <I do have 7-zip>}. there are a lot of mods that I currently do not have... that I would like to use and don't know how to install them.


I want to thank all who have helped and are willing to help me on this mission. :)

Edited by dragonwizard67
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Here's a link to
on using Obilivion Mod Manager (OBMM). My advice is check that all is working correctly in the game after you install but before installing any mods. Only install one or two mods at a time and check in-game to make sure everything is OK before moving on to the next (this will make troubleshooting any problems much easier).
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Ah... I really did'nt think youtube would have that kind of tutorial. I hope it's correct in it's information. I will try to use it, once my wife wakes up. Thank you so much Striker879. I had a half of dozen (or more) mods in before my file relocation and most of them were boxed black. I hope they will install properly now that my 'Steam' folder is in a new location. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new spells in the 'Supreme Magica' mod, along with quite a few other mods that I have downloaded from this site. Oh, by the way.... does anyone know of any other 'TRUSTED' sites that I can find 'Oblivion' mods?? I would love to see what's out there..... without the virus's invading my PC.
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The only other place I've ever downloaded Oblivion mods from is Planet Elder Scrolls (I'm about as conservative as they come when it comes to downloading stuff). I got the video link from this thread started by Talonvore (he indicated that it was helpful).
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Thanks Striker879... I will check out Planet Elder Scrolls. I have my mods up and running because of all the help I've received. I want to thank everyone who has responded to this posting!! I will not be coming around this posting anymore.... BUT THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR WONDERFUL HELP! I hope I can help others in the future.... as I've been helped here!!
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