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[WIP/REL] Vault 24


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I have to admit, I groaned when I saw in the title "1000 person vault". I was thinking massive, repetitive tilesets that no-one would want to explore.


But seriously, this looks awesome!


Obviously it was a huge amount of work.. does it have monsters or a backstory at all?

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Currently it is being produced as a resource only. So once it is done it will be free to be filled with whatever monsters, characters or stories that anyone feels like adding. Thereafter I may begin adding a quest-line myself, or I will throw my skills behind someone else's project/story for the vault.


I do have a number of back stories, but none of them is built into the vault yet. My favourite probably involves the vault being an internal 'worldspace' complete with mulitiple factions fighting it out unbeknown to anyone in the Mojave.

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The vault passage tileset is DONE :thumbsup:

Its an optional file with my resource pack.

It should have everything you need, if there is anything missing let me know.

I also made parts for a destructible vent cover. Do you know how destructible items work?


I also took a tour of the vault and I have to say its one of the most impressive mods I've ever seen.

I expected a mostly cut and paste job but its actually very detailed. Lots of nice clutter and tonnes of atmosphere.

Once the vault is a little more finished I might make a mod using it. Unless you do.


I did have a couple problems:

Once you go down the main stairwell you can't go back up because of the collapsed section.

There are some places in the stairwell where the light beam from the windows are in places without windows.

There are some collision issues in the storage level.


For something so massive there are relatively few bugs.


I was wondering about your plans for elevators?

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The vault passage tileset is DONE :thumbsup:

Its an optional file with my resource pack.

It should have everything you need, if there is anything missing let me know.


Fantastic. Looks like it will have more than enough pieces, but if I run in to something I will let you know.


I also made parts for a destructible vent cover. Do you know how destructible items work?


Not sure...could probably work it out, but I haven't installed any in any of my previous mods.


I also took a tour of the vault and I have to say its one of the most impressive mods I've ever seen.

I expected a mostly cut and paste job but its actually very detailed. Lots of nice clutter and tonnes of atmosphere.

Once the vault is a little more finished I might make a mod using it. Unless you do.


Happy to hear you were impressed with it, as it will soon be adorned with some of your craft as well. To be fair, there is a bit of copy pasting in the Quarters 2 and 3 levels, but that is something that I am going to address very soon. However, much of the repetition there is simply to be expected, much in the way a multi-story apartment would have similar floor-plans on each level. The individual rooms will all be given customization. The rest of the vault is quite unique, bearing similarity only when I am using standardized techniques to represent the standards that the vault was built to.


As for making a mod...I do plan on making a quest for it. If I can attract a small group of experienced, like minded modders I may try for a suitably epic quest line. Otherwise I will carry forth on my own and make a more simple, dungeon crawl type quest.


I did have a couple problems:

Once you go down the main stairwell you can't go back up because of the collapsed section.

There are some places in the stairwell where the light beam from the windows are in places without windows.

There are some collision issues in the storage level.


For something so massive there are relatively few bugs.


I was wondering about your plans for elevators?


The collapsed stairwell is intentional. Part of a reason for why no one escaped from the vault. Part of a possible quest line...you are trapped and must fix the elevator to get out.

Those misplaced lightbeams must be found and dealt with. I thought I got them all. I will go back through and find them. Thanks for pointing those out.

In the storage level I have some new pieces for the Vault Utility passages, and I did simple mock-ups. I must finish them and give them proper collisions.


Every little bug report helps.


As for elevators, I have a working script, but I need to build a new elevator, as I can't use the one from Fallout 3. It did make the transfer to New Vegas. So I am picking away at something. In the end I will likely just go with something simple that doesn't simulate the whole progress up and down the shaft.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am currently racking my brains to add new room-types to the final two 'Quarters areas" for the vault. Once I have those levels customized a bit, I will clutter them a little more, then navmesh them. Then the whole of Vault 24 will be navmeshed.


Any thoughts on what kind of facilities might be found in a living area of the vault would be appreciated.

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I am currently racking my brains to add new room-types to the final two 'Quarters areas" for the vault. Once I have those levels customized a bit, I will clutter them a little more, then navmesh them. Then the whole of Vault 24 will be navmeshed.


Any thoughts on what kind of facilities might be found in a living area of the vault would be appreciated.


Hmm. Laundry, gameroom, lounge, conference area, kitchen, theatre, classrooms. Just guessing. Not sure how you are defining 'Living Area' in this case. I have been waiting until you were closer to finishing before downloading this monster.

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Laundry. That is exactly what I was looking for.


The Quarters areas are for general accommodations. The families of the none administrators and officers of the vault. So each level is like a small town, with certain ammenities available to serve vault dwellers locally.


Major amenities ate centralized at the Main atrium level.


So laundry facilities fit the bill just right.

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Possibly, but I would imagine as a starting point a very top- down, 50's mentality that would have the vault completely planned out. A command structure economy based on rationing and keeping the machines/ vault operating. There is also evidence for this in the existing vaults. Still, I have added cafes and cafeterias, so perhaps there is room for something else.
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